Bathroom - Day 2

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It was the next day and Doyoung still got butterflies in his stomach thinking about the events from the night before.

Nobody knew he liked Jungwoo. It was his secret to keep for himself.

Doyoung turnt over in his bed and meet the beautiful sight of a sleeping Jungwoo. For a second he had forgot they shared a bed.

A light blush spread across his cheeks as Jungwoo woke up.

"Good morning" Jungwoo said with a husky voice as he stretched his body.

"Good morning" Doyoung said and smiled. Both got ready for the day and went out into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Not knowing the key to the lock was on the wrong side.

"CHHHEK" somebody had locked Jungwoo and Doyoung inside the bathroom.

"Lucas?" Jungwoo asked to see if it was him. No answer.

"Do you have your phone on you? I left mine in our room" Doyoung asked Jungwoo searching for a way out.

"Crap mine is in our room too" Jungwoo said and touched his neck trying to hide his blushing. He was locked inside the bathroom with the most handsome man ever.

Both started to knock on the door and yell for help. No answer.


Lucas walked into the dining room with a big smirk on his face. "What have you been up to?" Johnny asked without getting an answer from Lucas.

Meanwhile the two boys were locked in the bathroom the others were eating breakfast.

"What's that noise? Is someone knocking on our door or something?" Mark asked the others with a confused look on his face. "And where is Doyoung and Jungwoo?"

Mumbles spread across the room, but no actions were made.


" I don't think they can hear us" Doyoung said and sat down on the cold bathroom floor. Jungwoo joined him and they both leaned back and looked into the celling.

"We're going to die here aren't we?" Jungwoo said sarcastic. "But at least I won't die alone" he continued.

Doyoung let out a little laugh and gave Jungwoo a tiny push making sure he didn't fall. "Don't say that. Someone will come before you know it and let us out. Plus this is not the worst thing that could have happened on our trip"

Jungwoo looked slightly shooked on Doyoung and asked. "Now what's that supposed to mean?"

Doyoung returned Jungwoo's look and said "Well I have been wanting to get a bit more time with you to get to know you better. We never had a chance to know each other on a more personal level. Only if you're okay with it of cours. Especially since we share a bed now."

"That sounds nice" Jungwoo said and the two boys eyes were now totally locked on each other.


It had been about an hour or two when Lucas remembered what he had done.

He quickly got up from the couch where he was watching a movie with Ten and Taeil.

"Where are you going?" Taeil asked confused as Lucas was about to leave the room.

"I will be back in one minute I just remembered I left somethings somewhere" he said while trying to hold a laugh inside.

As he entered their room there was almost completely quiet. The only sound present was a few mumbles from the bathroom. He unlocked the door to a sight of Doyoung and Jungwoo sitting on the floor.

"Oh hey guys so what did I miss" he said with a big smirk on his face.

"Not much" Doyoung said as he stood up. He offered Jungwoo a hand and helped him up.

"I see, I see" Lucas said with a raised eyebrow as he left the room again.

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