Picnic date - Day 8

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While Jungwoo was doing the dishes from breakfast, Doyoung snuck up behind him. "So I was thinking, no pressure, but do you want to go on a picknick date?" he asked nervously feeling his heart beat like crazy.

Jungwoo smiled and nodded his head "I never thought you'd ask". That made it official, they were going on their first date. Doyoung packed some snacks and other essentials meanwhile Jungwoo finished doing the dishes.

They got dressed for the date in separate rooms. Doyoung got ready in Jaehyun and Taeyongs room and Jungwoo got ready in their own.

"Uhhh you look nice" Taeyong said. "Somebody is trying to impress their future husband" he continued. "What name were you thinking of for the baby, because I think Jaeyong would be cute" Jaehyun joined in.

Jaehyun and Taeyong keept teasing Doyoung. He just laughed it off, put on his jacket and grabbed the picnic basket he had packed.

He knocked on their door and asked with a sweet tone in his voice "Are you ready?". A quiet "Yes just a minute" could be heard from the other side of the door. Jungwoo opened the door looking like a snack.

"Wow" Doyoung gasped and looked Jungwoo up and down. "What?" Jungwoo looked nervously down his body. "You look amazing!" Doyoung expressed and grabbed his hand.

"Doyoung remember what I told you at the water park. Have fun, but not too much fun if you know what I mean!" Lucas yelled after the two blushing boys as they left.


Jungwoo put their blanket on the ground while Doyoung prepared the food and drinks. "Wow you made all this while I did the dishes? I am impressed" they sat down and started eating.

"I am so happy you said yes, if you had said no I wouldn't have known what to do with myself" Doyoung said looking lovingly into Jungwoos eyes.

"Of course I said yes. I really like you" Jungwoo looked into the ground and tried to hide the fact that he was blushing. Doyoung lifted his chin up "I really like you too" he said and placed a small kiss on the younger's lips.

"I also brought some chicken. I know it's nothing like your moms but give it a try" Doyoung said and fed Jungwoo some chicken. "What are you talking about this is amazing. How did you make this?" they both smiled. "The secret ingredient is love" Doyoung answered which made Jungwoo feel butterflies all through his body.

As time went on it was starting to get darker outside and a few stars had started to appear on the evening sky. The temperature started to drop as well, which made Jungwoo signal to Doyoung that he was getting cold.

"Oh you're cold?" he asked and Jungwoo nodded giving him puppy eyes. "Here take my jacket" Doyoung quickly put his jacket around Jungwoo to warm him up. "You're such a gentleman" Jungwoo said and kissed his cheek.

"I also brought chocolate covered strawberries" Doyoung said and started feeding Jungwoo once again. "Wow you're a romantic as well" Jungwoo said teasing him.

"I can see the stars in your eyes" Doyoung noted while he looked deeply into Jungwoos eyes. "And I can see the universe in yours" he answered as they were both filled with joy and love.

After a moment of silence, Jungwoo leaned in and kissed the older. Doyoung took control and laid Jungwoo down on the blanket. The kiss was filled with passion. Both still overwhelmed by the fact the other liked them back.

Doyoung had one hand on Jungwoos waist and the other was keeping him balanced so he wouldn't fall on top of Jungwoo. Jungwoos hands were under Doyoungs shirt and all over his back, possibly leaving small scratch marks.

They parted to catch their breaths and Doyoung whispered into Jungwoos ear "Please be mine?". Jungwoo became even more red than before and gave him a big smile "YES!". His loud answer made Doyoung jump before leaning back into the kiss.

Before they knew it, they fell asleep in each other's embrace under the starry night sky.

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