Boyfriend - Day 9

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The morning sun had started rising which woke up Doyoung. He smiled at the sight of the beautiful Jungwoo sleeping peacefully in his embrace. Jungwoo was still sound asleep so Doyoung decide to pick him up piggy back style and carry him to the cottage.

Since it was early everyone in the cottage was asleep. Doyoung sneaked inside and laid Jungwoo down on the couch. He unpacked their basket and went to check if Jungwoo was waking up when he was done.

Small movements could be seen from the couch as Doyoung got closer. Jungwoo looked around the room confused before asking "When did we get back?". "Not too long ago. You looked so peaceful I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I just carried you home." Doyoung joined Jungwoo under his blanket and placed a small good morning kiss on the boy's forehead. "Best boyfriend ever" Jungwoo mumbled witch filled Doyoung with happiness.

It was the first time any of them had used that wonderful word. Doyoung put his arms around Jungwoo so he could rest. He turned the tv on at a low volume. Not that he was really going to be watching since he was holding the most precious boy he knew, of whom he now could refer to as his boyfriend, in his arms.


The weather was good outside so everybody had agreed to eat dinner on the terrace on the second floor. Doyoung and Jungwoo had keept their new relationship status a secret from the others.

Everybody had a task. Taeyong had prepped dinner which was now only waiting to be served. Jungwoo and Doyoung was going to be serving. Johnny, Ten, Mark and Haechan had set the table. And Yuta, Winwin, Jaehyun, Lucas and Taeil would do the dishes.

They were all gathered on the terrace when Doyoung and Jungwoo left to get the food. When they were out of the others sight Jungwoo grabbed Doyoungs hand down the stairs to the kitchen. They put the food out of the fridge and when it all was ready Doyoung grabbed Jungwoo and lifted him up on the kitchen counter.

Jungwoo laughed as a response and put his arms around Doyoungs neck. "Give me a kiss already" he said and pouted his lips. Doyoung leaned in and closed the gap between their lips. The sweet kiss lasted for a couple of minutes before he pulled back again.

"The others might start looking for us" he winked and placed a final kiss on Jungwoo's lips before lifting him down the kitchen counter. "Bummer" Jungwoo said pouting his mouth again. Doyoung laughed and gave his boyfriend another kiss before picking up the food to go back to the others.

"Heyyy" Taeyong said as the boys returned to the terrace. Everyone was giving them small looks which made Doyoung and Jungwoo feel a bit confused. "What's going on?" Doyoung asked while the others tried to hide. "Nothinggg" Lucas said laughing hysterically.

-- While Doyoung and Jungwoo had been gone

Doyoung and Jungwoo had just left to get the food and all the boys were already having fun. "Look!" Lucas yelled to catch everyone's attention and pointed at a window in the ground. The window in the ground was directly above the kitchen where Doyoung and Jungwoo were preparing food.

Everybody gathered around the window looking down at the two boys who had no knowledge of the windows existent. Out of the blue Doyoung had lifted Jungwoo up on the kitchen counter. "Ehm what are they doing?" Mark asked while everyone was looking confused down at the window.

Suddenly Doyoung and Jungwoo's lips were linked and everyone was shocked. "Okay really what's going on?" Mark asked again which made everyone shush him.

As the two boys downstairs had parted from their kiss so had the boys on the terrace from the ground window. Everyone had sensed something were going on between the two, still they were a bit surprised.

When Doyoung and Jungwoo returned to the terrace Taeyong let out a playful "Heyyy".


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