Chapter 2

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Hidden Leaf Forest

Temari was jumping from branch to branch thinking about the kiss her Blonde fox gave to her before he left to train with the frogs. She started to daydream -(Temari's thoughts)- she and Naruto are sitting on top of the roof of Kazekage Tower looking at the stars as Naruto had his arm warped around her and smiled as he held his love in his arms. "Happy birthday Temari" he said as he kissed her check and she smiled and blushed. "Thank you for coming to visit me on my birthday Naruto" She sad as she turned her head back at him. Naruto smiled and leaned in to kiss her. She was broken from her thoughts when she almost fell because she missed a branch. "Man that was close" She said as she landed safely on the ground before starting to move again.

Mount Myoboku

Naruto was already taring and was having difficultly focuasing on what Lord Fukasaku was telling him. He was too busy thinking about Temari and where to go with there relationship, he already knew that Gaara and Kankuro approved of there relationship and he couldn't be happier. He was soon broken from his thoughts when he felt a stick hit him on the back of the head. "What was that for Old frog sage?" He said "Naruto boy were you even leasing to me?" Lord Fukasaku asked and look at Naruto with serious eyes. "Sorry no I wasn't I was thinking about my girlfriend Temari." Naruto replied. Lord FuKasaku sighed "This boy doesn't listen, but at least he has someone in his life , that will give the same will power as his father " he thought to him self.

Time Skip ( 3 days): Sand Village gates

Temari walk up to the guards at the gates and checked herself in, she started to walk down the village streets with a big smile on her face. "I should go to Gaara and tell him how Naruto is doing " She thought to her self and started to make her way to Kazekage Tower. Gaara was looking at the mountain of paperwork on his desk and slammed his head on the desk. "Lord Kazekage are you ok?" asked the woman that was filling in for his secretary. "I'm fine, I just relay hate paper work" He said in a annoyed voice. He soon heard a knock on the door. He sat up. "Come in" He said. Temari walks in and looks at Gaara. "Hey Baby bro how you doing?"

Time skip 1 day: Hidden Leaf-( Pain's attack)

"Lady Hokage, barrier corps reporting, we sensed only a single intruder but then multiple attacks started to occur." Said Ko. "Lady Hokage Anbu corps reporting, we are estimating the attacking force to be three battalions in size" The moment this left the Anbus lips evreyones eyes in the room winded "D-D-Did you say three battalions?!" asked Ko and the Anbu nodded. "Also an eye witness reports seeing a man dressed in a black robe with a red cloud pattern."said the Anbu. Tsunade eyes went wide "The Akatsuki!, there after Naruto!,Send a message to the Sand Immediately and put a seal on it for an SS-Class mission!" she yelled. "At once Lady Hokage" said one her aids running out of the room and the message unit. They wrote the message and sent it with there fastest bird. "Recall Nar...." She was broken from her order when the elders walked in. "Do not recall that boy" They said in unison

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