His toy

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

I woke up and it seems like I was tied up in a chair. I tried to struggle my arms to lose the rope but its no use, also my feet were tied up together. I can't see anything from the blind folder covering my eyes. I tried not to panic and keep calm, but my whole body is shaking. I can hear the door 50 feet away from me opened then a chuckle from the man at the sidewalk. That chuckle, I heard that when I was a child, is he.....the killer who killed my parents? But, why he still looks young?

???: ciao ragazza~ I'm sorry to ruined your birthday, but you hate that day right?~

Me: who......who are you!?

???: me? Well......I'm Luciano Vargas bella~ now......tell me your name~

Me: I can't tell you.


End of (y/n)'s p.o.v.

She groaned from the pain on her face, she didn't know that he has a whip. He continued it to her legs, her arms, then then chest. (y/n) screamed in pain as he laughed like a serial killer. Luciano was about to stab (y/n) with his new sharp knife until they heard a voice from an another man.

???: fratello!!~ I'm home from shopping!! Where are you!?

Then a groan heard from Luciano. Well she knows how to speak Italian a little and fratello means brother right?

Luciano: your lucky that my fratello is here but I'll be back!

He spit his words with venom making (y/n) cry from all the pain he had done to her.

~time skip~

About 1 hour later, he's back. (y/n) was sad, and a little happy, she wants to die right now from his knife or whip and leave this hell.

Luciano: I'm sorry bella but you must die now so that I can take your blood and mix it with my pasta sauce for dinner.

(y/n) waited impatiently for the sharp knife and finally, he stab her stomach deeply twice and the blood covered his sharp knife and waited for a few seconds, but her heartbeat is still functioning.

Luciano: wh-what!?

(y/n) yelped then Luciano shot her head with a gun, but she's still not dead.

Luciano: Why!!?? DIE NOW!!

She shocked at why she's not dead yet, he tried the whip, his knife, then a gun. Luciano gave up in killing for the first time.


(y/n): I-I don't know!

Luciano: what do you mean you don't know!?

Luciano panted heavily for the tiredness of how to kill this immortal girl. He removed the blind fold and her eyes from (e/c) eyes, are now glowing red all of a sudden. He stepped back with the blind fold in his hand.

Luciano: che cazzo?

(y/n) panicked and asked herself that what's wrong with her face. She can feel something tingling in her eyes and all her sight were turning red. Then three men appeared on the door way. A Japanese man, a German, and the other man has the same curl as Luciano but in the different direction.(I'm sorry, I'm not good at describing what they wear).

Japanese: a new toy Ruciano? Can I borrow her?~

Luciano: no!

Japanese: don't be serfish Ruciano, and I'm surprised that she's not dead from those burret shots.

German: wow, I never seen a girl like that before. And crimson red eyes just like Kuro.

Luciano:*groans* that's why I told him 'no'. Her eyes yesterday were (e/c), then today it turned red. We must find out what is she.

His fratello: but first, we must let her recover.

Luciano: fine*roll eyes*

(y/n) sighed in relief. She doesn't want to get study from the four men that her injuries are not recovered yet. She doesn't even know why her eyes are like this.

Author: Sorry that this is short but I did my best to make it interesting.

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