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(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

I can see light from the darkness. But before that, I saw someone, she look like me but, she has ( her hair color),( her eye color), and (her skin tone). We kept staring each other until she broke the silence.

???: wh-who are you?

Her voice sounds similar to me but higher and was shaky like, she was scared of me. Her eyes from (h/e) become bright blue(sorry if that's your eye colorXD) like me sometimes turned crimson red. She's like, my half.

(y/n): don't be scared, I'm (y/n), (y/n)(y/l/n), you?

???: w-we have the same l-last n-name, I'm (h/n)(h/l/n).

(y/n): now, tell me, why were you scared? I'm sorry if my face looks scary to you and that's why your shaking and a little pale.

(h/n): no, its not that.

(y/n): then what is it?

(h/n): i-its.......you see, when, th-the blue moon appeared, I feel strange. And when I saw robbers ahead at the bank, I never feel so brave before, because I was a COWARD! My sight are not colorful anymore, suddenly it turned blue. Then everything went black, but a minute later, I saw that the robbers pleading me to not kill them. Their faces are all bruised, running blood in their mouth and blue scratch marks are everywhere around their skins. Then I realise I was holding a gun in front of them, many policies surrounding me and someone shot me with something sharp on my arm. I feel woozy and sleepy then now, I am here.

(y/n): I'm sorry but, did you say 'blue moon'?

(h/n): yes.

(y/n): but, today is the appearance of the blood moon.

(h/n): really? But what I saw is the blue moon, it's even reported on the news.

(y/n): but the news reported that the blood moon's appearance before and after.

(h/n): no its not, its the appearance of the blue moon.

She shake her head from side to side telling me that I was wrong and she was right. F*ck this girl is annoying me right now.


I whispered the last two words as I saw her shaking from fear, and sobbing. She buried her face with her hands and turn her back to me. I blamed myself for making her cry. I should've shouted at her. I tried to go to her and comfort her but she kept saying 'don't go near me' which made me groaned with guilt.

(y/n): look, I'm sorry, I should've-

(h/n): its okay!!

She suddenly burst into happiness. Wait what? How can she be happy that fast? Whatever, at least she stopped crying. She jumped to me and hugged me tightly. She like a little sister to me but something to me that we have the same age and birthday. Speaking of birthdays.....

(y/n): hey, when is your birthday?

She released me from the hug with a huge smile on her face.

(h/n): my birthday is in (her birthday)

I was right

(y/n): OMG! We have the same birthday (h/n)!!

(h/n): really?

(y/n): yeah!!

(h/n): oh that's great!!

She hugged me again and I hugged back.

(h/n): I have a question, why would you ask?

(y/n): because, my birthday is a bad day to me.

(h/n): why?
(h/n): oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

(y/n): its*sob*okay. Why are you crying too?

(h/n) b-because*sob*I was related to your story but mine is a little different. My birthday becomes my bad day when my family abandoned me, nobody loves me.

(y/n): why?

(h/n): because*sob*they were jealous at me, they were jealous.

(y/n): then what do you have that they become jealous.

(h/n): they said that they were jealous at my beauty. They thought that I am too beautiful. All girls hate me except boys but many men almost trying to rape me.

(y/n): oh no.... I'm sorry to hear that.

(h/n): its okay, I'm glad someone listening to me for the first time.

Then a flash beam of light appeared and we covered our eyes and compressed ourselves.

(h/n): wh-what's happening!!??

(y/n): I-I don't know!!

I can hear the machine that check my heart beat(I'm sorry, I don't know the name of the machine😅). I slowly opened my eyes and I can feel a little pain in my stomach. And, I feel a warm hand on my right hand and a cute snore.

I look to my side slowly and saw Luciano sleeping while holding my hand. I can feel my face heated and my heart beats way too fast and the matching goes bing every 0.75 mini seconds. It made Luciano jumped from his sleep.

The Blood Moon(2p!Italy x Bloodmoon!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant