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Tomorrow morning, Luciano noticed that (y/n) looked bored at the living room. Uncombed hair, and her eye bags looked horrible. She was taken under his wing for 4 years. He began to worry a little. So he asked her if its okay to go for a walk with him and get some fresh air. (y/n) agreed.


They stopped at the beach where there is no people around. It was just the two of them. Luciano turned his head to see (y/n), her (h/c) locks sways with the wind and her sparkling eyes look at the sunset, and the most cute part of all is her lips curved into a smile. She's not like the depressed girl anymore, she feel so peaceful and happy for the first time in forever. She also didn't mind that tomorrow is her birthday, her debut.

(y/n): thank you for the walk Luciano, but its getting late.

Luciano: but before we go.....

(y/n) tilted her head and gasped when Luciano tapped her shoulder.

Luciano: tag, your it.

He laughed as he ran away from (y/n). (y/n) giggled and chase Luciano. They ran through the sea and got wet. She finally jumped to Luciano and said 'tag'. Luciano never thought that laughing is good for the heart. They kept laughing and the sea level was now on his shoulders and for (y/n) was now on her chest. Then Luciano stumbled on the rock. (y/n) hold his wrist to keep him balance but failed, they both fell on the water. Luciano was about to growl until he heard (y/n)'s giggle. He's chest felt lighter. His lips curved, not a smirk, but a genuine smile. Seeing (y/n) smile made him smile.

(Y/n)'s stomach was filled with butterflies and heat crawling to her cheeks while seeing him smile, Luciano too. They both embarrassed that the beach's people were just the two of them, the beautiful sunset, and most of all, Luciano's arms were around (y/n)'s waist, and hers were around Luciano's neck keeping them close. Its like a love story between the two characters. Their cheeks were red and remove their arms from each other, looking away.

Luciano: I guess it's getting late.

(Y/n): that's what I said earlier.

Luciano: right right, let's go.

He go back to the shore and she follow him all the way back to his mansion. Luciano's allies were surprised that they're wet and Luciano leads (y/n) to her room. She was about to enter but she almost forgot what she will say to him.

(Y/n): thank you for taking me outside Luciano, its been a long time since I smile.

Luciano: your welcome bella~

All of a sudden, (y/n) rose her toes up to get higher and lean to Luciano's cheek and gave it a peck. She leaned back and slowly close the door.

(Y/n): goodnight.

Luciano: sweet dreams.

He said calm as ever.


When (y/n) was fast asleep, Luciano slowly open her bedroom door. He smiled more at (y/n)'s cute sleeping face. He walk as slowly as he can to avoid creaking sounds. He then kneeled on one knee at the bedside where (y/n) facing. He swept her (h/c) locks that was covering her beautiful face. He leaned over to her ear and whispered:

Luciano: I'll make your birthday wonderful again.

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