Ch.1 Meeting Luke

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A/N: I know I already have another story going, but I got an idea for this one and it's been bugging me for a long time. I still get these weird ideas in the strangest times. I don't even know anymore. Also, I don't actually ship any of them, they just make the best stories.

It was the first day of sophomore year. I met up with my friends, Calum and Michael. 

"Hey, Ashton." Calum came up to me.

"I haven't seen you since like two days ago." Michael said in a sarcastic excited voice.

"Hi, Calum. I love you too, Michael. How nice to see you." I replied in the same manner.

I walked to my locker, wich was next to Calum's and Michael's. There was only one between me and there's.  I wondered who's it was. Not like we were very good at making friends anyways. We've known eachother since daycare when I was five. 

"Who's the new guy?" Calum asked. "He's like sex on legs." 

"I don't know." I replied. We went to a private highschool and elemantry, so new people were a big deal. Everyone's pretty much known eachother for a long time.

"Don't die Calum, but he's coming this way." Michael smirked as Calum squirmed and stared.

"Hey," the new boy said."I'm Luke. What's your name?"

"I'm Ashton. Hey! Your locker's right next to mine!"

"I'm Michael. The one over here who apparently can't speak is Calum."

"Cool." Luke replied He did a small wave to Calum. I'm pretty sure Calum died. "What rotation are you guys, maybe we have the same classes?"

"I'm assuming we do, we're near the same lockers so." Michael said like Luke was dumb.

"Sorry about Michael, he's really nice when you get to know him. We're all in rotation C." I replied.

"So am I!" He replied happily. "Oh, I have swimming practice. Bye Ashton and Michael. Oh, and you too Calum." Luke waved goodbye and left.

"He does swimming? Oh my god!" Calum exclaimed.

"You are so whipped and you didn't even talk to him." Michael said. 

"Let's get to class." I said. Calum just stuck his tongue out at Michael and called him a poop face.


Class was boring, like usual, but I'm a pretty good student. It just comes easy. Lunch was finally here! Luke was in all of our classes. He was a pretty cool guy. I mean, I just don't know how he doesn't see Calum drooling. I was the last one out of class when Miss. Beed pulled me behind.

"I need to talk to you," she said.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her.

Luke was standing beside her desk too. He looked kind of shy and was blushing.

"Luke, is behind in all of his classes since he came from a oublic school. Unfortunately, they weren't as far as we were. Could you tutor him?" Miss. Beed asked me.

"Sure, that'll be fine." I said and smiled at Luke to make him feel better.

Miss. Beed smiled warmly, "Thanks, Ashton. You and Luke can figure out what days work best." 

We walked out of the room. 

"Thanks, Ashton. Does after my swimming practice work?"

"Sure, I can drive you over to my place."

"That'll work I think." We walked into the lunchroom were we met Michael and Calum.

"About time you got here." Michael said.

"I needed to um." Luke started, trying to think of an excuse.

"He forgot his lunch in his swim bag this morning. He had to go to the locker room and get it. I just went with him." I finished for him.

Michael just shrugged as Calum started to pull Luke over to him and ramble on. Luke looked at me and mouthed thank you. I mentally luaghed at him becuase he should be mouthing 'help me' with Calum acting like that. I felt just a small pang of jealousy when Luke and Calum talked the whole time excluding me and Michael.

It couldn't been jealousy. No, it was just hurt cause they left us out, right? 

A/N: There's the first chapter. I have big plans for this story. I might not update for a while, or I might. I don't know. I want to finish my other story first. Maybe. 


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