Ch.3 Camping?

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"What's a soul mate?"

"It's a...well, it's like a best friend but more."


I love that quote so much. 

Hi people! I think I'm going to alternate days with udating this one and my older one. Is that okay? Highschool started a couple weeks ago and I don't think I'll be able to update twice a night. Okay, go read!

After saying goodbye to Haz and Connor, Luke and I walked over to my car.

"You guys swam really well." I said, getting into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I totally think we'll beat South." Luke replied getting into the car as well. 

"That's good." Green Day's Holiday came on the radio and Luke turned it up. Soon we were singing at the top of our lungs until it was over. 

"You like Green Day?" He asked me.

"Of course!" I replied. "One of the best bands besides Blink 182!" 

"I like them alot too." We started singing to another song that came onto the radio. I honestly didn't pay attention much becuase, zayum (Not a reference, I just don't know if Wattpad will block it or not. Will they?) , that boy has a set of lungs on him. We pulled up into my driveway and got out of the car.

Luke snapped me out of my daydream. "That was fun!" 

"Yeah." I walked into the door. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled. She came up to me and hugged me.

"How was your day? Oh, and who's this boy? I haven't seen him around." She looked at Luke.

"Hi, Mrs.Irwin. I'm Luke. I'm new at Ash's school."

"Aw, my baby, he already has a nickname for you. You two have fun. But warn me if you do the dirty, then I'll turn up my music." 

"Mom! Stop! He's just a friend!" I yelled, blushing a bit, becuase she is so embarrassing.

"Okay," She put on a fake pouty face and walked away.

"Sorry about that. My room's up here." I led him up the stairs into my room.


We finished Luke's homework and ended up playing Mario Kart on my bed.

"So, your mom's coming to pick you up at eight?" I asked him. He was totally creaming me, I was last. 

"Yep. It's only six though."

"Oh. Not like I wanted you to leave or anything, I mean you can if you want to? It wouldn't matter. I mean you could eat dinner with me if you wanted too" Shit. Now I was rambling on about whatever again. Would he think I was asking him out? No.

"No, that's cool. What's for dinner?" Luke asked.

"You wanna order some pizza?" I asked him.

"Sure. I like pepperoni."

"That's cool, um, could you order it? Just go to your favorite place that delivers."

"Sure." He logged on. Even though he was typing, he still beat me. I'm such a terrible gamer. "Okay. should be here in about half an hour." He said. 

"What do want to do until it comes?" I asked him. 

"You." He said quietly, barely even audible.

"Huh?" I asked him, making sure I heard him right.

"What? Nothing." He said jumping off the bed. We should play Just Dance! I bet I can beat you in that too!"

"Your on!" But the whole half hour we dance, I couldn't stop thinking about what I heard. That couldn't be possible could it? A sex god liking me? No way. I just imagined it. The doorbell rang and we went to  go answer it. The delivery girl was flirty and all over Luke.

"Call me?" She asked when she left and pointed to the bottom of the reciept where she left her number.

"Uh. No." He slammed the door in her face. 

"That wasn't harsh at all." I said.

"Nope." He through the reciept in the garbage can and we started eating pizza.


It was about five minutes until Luke's mom was supposed to be here. I wanted to ask Luke something, but I have to ask the guys first. Oh well, I'll ask him anyways.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Do you wanna come to our cabin when we have that two week break this Friday? It's just gonna be me, Calum, and Mikey."

"That sounds like fun." He smiled. A horn honked from outside. "That'll be my mom. Bye Ash!" He said walking out the door.

Darn it, Ashton, you chickened out! I better tell the guys he might be coming. I went back up to my room and went on my laptop. A post-it note was left on my screen.

Hey! Thanks for tutoring me tonight, I really need it. Btw, I love your lockscreen, its cute.

:) Luke

Oh shit, he saw my lockscreen. It was me, Calum, and Mikey all napping on the couch at a sleepover when we were like twelve. My mom took it when we weren't looking and I'm the only one who's ever seen it. Well, I guess, until now.

A/N: I bet you all thought Ashton was going to ask him out. Well, I want things to move a a normal pace, so nope. Also, what do you think the other boys will think? Calum will probably be kissing Ashton's feet becuase he invited Luke, but you never know. Bye guys!


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