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A/N: Hi Eggplants! I went up North, as I told you, and I always get my best ideas there. So, now I have alot! I'm back in the cities though. Also the spider scene in this actually happened to me, my dad, and uncle. I call it the drunk spider adventure and have a video. Sadly, I don't think the boys will be drunk during it. Ok bye!

Michael came walking over to me.

"Mikey, No!" I screamed and ran into the cabin. I quickly put the key in the door and ran up to my bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. 

"I think the whole lake heard you!" He screamed from downstairs.

"That was the point!" I yelled back down at him.

I started to unpack and set things up. Someone would be sleeping in here, but so far, no one has tried to come and unpack thier things yet. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and twards my room. Thinking it was Michael coming for his revenge, I sat in front of the door.

"Move your fatass." I heard Calum say.

"Is Mikey with you?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

"Promise?" I asked. He huffed. I could tell he was annoyed.

"Promise, now open the door before I push you!" He said.

"Fine, bossy." 

"I have my sassy ways." He said.

I moved out of the way. He and Luke walked in the door. 

"Okay, Luke, this is where you and Ashton are going to stay. I already gave you the tour of everything else. Me and Harry are going to be in the room nextdoor and Michael and Connor are across the hall." 

"Thanks Cal!" Luke said. Calum practically melted into a puddle right there. If he only knew.

"Okay, I'll be unpacking nextdoor!"

"Seeya." I waved.

Luke and I resumed unpacking our things.

"So, are you excited for this week?" I asked him, trying to make conversation.

"I really am. I wasn't so popular at my old highschool, but you guys are really nice."

"Aw, thanks." I said. Go on Ashton, you need to tell him. You know what Harry and Michael said. Don't be nervous. Just tell him.

"I kind of need to tell you something." We both said at the same time then luaghed.

"You go first." He said.

"Well, there was this thing in the car, and--no it was actually the first time I saw you, it kind of happened. And--"

Luke cut me off. "Actually, Ash, can I try something first?"

"It depends." I said. Then he leaned in. I was freaking out. I mean, Luke was going to--. He was? Wait do think he actually is? Then Calum ruined it all.

"Spider!" He screamed like a little girl. Luke and I pulled away from eachoth, he was blushing.

"Sorry." He said.

"We'll just have to talk later." I wriggled my eyebrows at him. Where did that burst of confidence come from? I then ran into Calum and Harry's room. Michael and Connor were already in there.

"That's a huge spider!" Connor said.

It was a huge dock spider, just sitting on thier ceiling. Michael had a fire pocker in his hands. 

"Michael, that's gonna poke a hole in the cieling!" I yelped.

"Get the bugspray." Luke said to Calum. Calum picked up some family stuff. "No, not that kind!" Luke yelled.

"The Hot Shot Wasp Spray?" He asked.

"Yeah, that'll actually kill it." Harry said. He, Calum, and Connor were standing on the bed hugging eachother for dear life. Michael somehow now had the fire shovel.

"Spray it!" Connor squealed.

"Okay, I'm going." Luke said.

He sprayed it and it jumped off the ceiling. Harry, Calum, and Connor screamed. 

"Its running!" I yelled.

"Hold on, I got it, I got it!" Michael yelled as he got down on his knees and whacked it with the back of the shovel.

"I think its dead Michael." I said.

"Just making sure." He said.

"Okay, you can all calm down now, it dead." Luke said.

"I'm not sleeping in here tonight." Calum said.

"Be my guest to sleep downstairs, with the deerheads." I said.

"Okay, sleeping in here." He quickly said.

A/N: Hi people! So there you go. That actually happened, but with my family and in  one room cabin. Oh, and they were all drunk. I have an intersting family, but I love them. I will look at that video and luagh every single time. I was actually scared though cause, holy crap, that spider was huge! Okay love you Eggplants!


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