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A/N: I'm on MEA break! I needed to get away from school. I'm excited that I'm gonna actually do stuff. But, I can't update any other night than tonight. I normally update on Thursday anyways. I have two things special, one is coming tomorrow, that I'll explain after the chapter!

It was the day after our date. Finally, Wednesday! I drove them all to the rental place to get the jetskis and then to Connor's uncles house to pick up the boat.

"So," Luke said, "Who's gonna get jetskis and who's gonna be in the boat?"

"I don't know. I guess you get to decide." I said.

"I call dibs on a green one!" Calum yelled.

"Hey!" Michael said. "I usually get that one."

"I know, that's why I called it first." Calum smirked and Michael pouted.

"Please?" Michael asked.


"Fine." He huffed. "Then you're on for a race to the island before our bonfire."

"You're on." Calum shook Mikey's hand.

"Well, I want a jetski." Connor said.

"Me too!" Harry said.

"Well, I wanted to be in the boat anyways." I said.

"I'll go with. Cause, you know, I want to go tubing." Luke said.

"Okay, now that we got all that figured out, I need to stop at the grocery store." Michael said.

"What?!" Calum said. "How are-"

Michael cut him off. "Calm your man-tits Calum. You guys get the jetskis and ride them to the island. I'll get the boat and go to the grocery store. I'll just meet you all there."

"That's fine, I guess." I said.

We rented the jetskis and Luke got on a blue one with me. I drove us to the island where we have our bonfire every year. Luke held on really tight. I liked it.


The day went by fast, and now it was time for the bonfire.

"No fair!" Calum was pouting.

"Hey, I won fair and square!"Connor shouted.

"You weren't even supposed to be in the bet!" Michael yelled at him.

"Would you shut up! You didn't even win or lose anything!" Harry said.

I got the fire going. "S'mores!" I called out. They immediately stopped in mid-argument and ran over. All of the S'more stuff was gone in about 15 minutes.

"Campfire song!" Harry yelled, handing Luke the guitar.

"What do we sing?" Michael asked.

"The campfire song, duh!" I said.

We started singing and Harry couldn't sing it fast enough, so he was Patrick's part. And we all screamed the song out. We sang a couple Green Day songs and some more SpongeBob songs. Then, Harry too the guitar. He started singing 'Isn't He Lovely'. I know its supposed to be she but we're all gay except Mikey and Connor so, to bad for them. 

Luke took my hand and started to sway with the music.

"Luke, I-I-um, I can't dance." I said.

"I'll teach you." He said.

He put my feet on his and swayed us to the music. It was in that exact moment that nothing mattered except for us. 


"Hm?" He answered.

"I know we've only known eachother for a month and a half now, but I love you. I love your smile, your cheeky comments that you don't think I hear, but I do, your luagh, your lipring, you. Just you." I said.

"I love you too, Ashton. More than you will ever know."

Then he quick kissed me. The song was over to soon. Michael took out a radio and cranked it up.

"Lets dance guys!" He yelled. He handed the guys drinks. Everyone was smart enough not to drink them except for Connor and Luke. Such newbs. We danced until about nin. Then, sadly, we had to take the jetskis back. Michael got Luke and Connor drunk.

"Michael! What the hell?" I asked him.

He just shrugged. "They didn't have to drink it."

I huffed. "Fine! I'll take Luke back on the boat. As punishment though, you have to take care of Connor and his hangover tomorrow."


"Don't you dare what me, Michael!" I sassily put my hands on my hips.

"Fine, sassy-mc-sassypants." He stuck his tongue out so I stuck it back.

"That tongue should be used for something else." A drunk Luke clumsily walked over and slung his arm around me.

"I blame you." I said to Michael.

"Whatever, you don't have to take care of this one." He pointed over to Connor. 

I looked at Harry who ran over to Connor. "Connor! No! That's pointy!"

Connor ran around wildly with a marshmallow poker. "I'm the hash-slinging-slasher!" He screamed like a banshee and kept running until Michael, Calum, and Harry finally tackled him to the ground.

"Come on Luke." I pulled him onto the boat.

"You're the only one who will be coming after this." He said.


A/N: Okay, so I'm going to start a one shot book soon. I have many ideas. Also, Jess will be writing the next chapter, so give all your praise to her. Time for dance! Bye lovelies! Stay as amazing as you are!


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