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We walked into the lunchline. I got pizza and brownies. Of course. Chocolate and pizza are what I live off of. I sat down with Harry, Connor, Michael, Luke, and Calum.
"So, have you guys seen the schedules yet?" Connor asked.
"No." I said.
"Have you?" Michael asked.
"Yeah." Harry said. "They were on the back of your cabin door."
"Well, some people decided to goof around, so no one noticed it." Luke glared at me and Cal.
Calum just shrugged. "I blame Ashton."
"What!? I had to get you. You asked questions over your boundries to ask." I said.
"Well," Michael said. "He does that alot."
"I've noticed." I said, eating the brownie.
"Eat your pizza first." Connor said.
"Okay, mom." I shot back.
"Someone's on their man period." Calum smirked.
"Exactly why I always have chocolate." I rolled my eyes and acted suprised that they don't already know this.
"Anyways," Luke said. "Why did you ask about the schedules?"
"To see if we get partnered up for anything." Connor said.
"Well. We have break after every lunch. Then, we do team building. Dinner and then break until glow games and then everyone has to be in their cabins at ten. Tomorrow we have breakfast at seven. We have the scavenger hunt at eleven. Then lunch, break, and practice for the bonfire. Then at five we have dinner and the bonfire starts at six." Harry said, reading off the sheet.
"That sounds like fun." I said.
"Yeah, then we get to sleep outside if we want to after the bonfire!" Connor said.
"But we have to leave the next day." Calum pouted.
"But, we get to see if we win anything." Michael said.
"And then party for the weekend!" Calum said.
"We should totally all come over to my house and try out the new game Destiny." Harry said.
"Whoa! You got it?!"
Michael and Harry then started to talk on and on about the best videogames. (A/N: Destiny is awesome, js.)
We finished lunch and went to our cabins for break before we had Team Building. Sure enough, our schedule was taped to the back of our cabin door.
"We have pretty much the same." Luke announced.
"Everyone has the same you dumbnut. What teams are we with?" Calum asked, snatching the paper from Luke's hand. "We have Team Building with Lily and Jessica. We have Glow Games with Harry and Connor." Calum said.
"Those should be interesting pairs." Michael said.
"Wait? Who do we have?" Luke asked.
Calum handed me the same sheet. "Um, we are with Alex and Jack for Team Building. For Glow Games we have Lily and Kiera." I said.
Luke pouted. "Aw, we don't get to be paired with Harry and Connor."
"Luke." Michael said. "Just think about it. Do you really think it would be a good idea to put you, Connor, and Harry in the same group for anything athletic?"
"On second thought, Lily and Kiera are pretty cool." Luke smiled.
The whistle sounded for the start of Team Building.
"Bye lovebirds." Michael said.
"Stop calling us that!" I yelled.
Calum stuck out his tongue. "Never!"
"Very mature Cal, very mature!" I yelled as we went to meet with the other groups.
Team Building was really fun. We did a bunch of stuff that we had to figure out together. It was actually pretty challenging. Alex and Jack were super cool though.
Dinner was pretty normal except for when Dan and Phil ran in screaming about a paint fight. Things turned into complete chaos and I had paint everwhere. I was a multi-colored rainbow unicorn. I just totally didn't tell that to Kiera. Totally not. We discovered that is neon paint, preparing for tonight's Glow Games.
Me, Luke, Kiera, and Lily met at an electric blue spot on a tree. That was our team color.
"You look so cool with your hair dyed neon pink." Luke giggled at me.
"Well you look super cute with it all yellow." I said back at him.
"I have blue on the ends of mine." Kiera said.
"Yeah, green for me. I'm never gonna get this out." Lily complained.
"I'll help you in the shower. Wink wink, nudge nudge, thrust thrust." Kiera said and they both fell over in luaghter.
"You're together?"Luke asked.
"You didn't know?!" Lily looked suprised.
Kiera suddenly got all defensive."Do you have a problem with that?"
I spoke up. "No,we're together."
"I knew it!" Lily said. "You owe me 30$!"
We ended up winning with to much running if I do say so, and I do.
The problem was it was 2am and there was a HUGE thunder storm. It scared me so much, into a panic attack. I couldn't do anything about it. I just prayed one of the boys heard and got out of bed to help me.
I woke up from a loud clap of lightning. Oh shit! Where was Ashton? He hated storms so much. I heard crying and could make out the shape of a little ball in the corner of Ash's bed. I ran over to Ashton's bed.
"Ashy?" I climbed over to him. "It's all gonna be ok. I promise"
"Lukey? I'm so scared."
"It's gonna be okay, sunshine" Luke said. He picked me uo and brought me to his bed and cuddled with me.
"Better?" He asked.
I nodded my head in response.
"Lukey? Will you sing to me?"
"Of course I will sunshine."
He started to sing.
The song was over and I was almost asleep when another clap of lightning brightened up the whole room.
I jumped and Luke cuddled me tighter.
"C-can you take a shower with me? It help me c-calm down." i asked.
"Sure." Luke then carried me to the shower connected to the cabin and turned the water on, making sure it was warm enough.
I took off my clothes and sat down, just letting the warm water hit my back. Luke got in and sat behind me. He started to wash my hair and I just rested back on him, loving the feeling.
Luke wrapped his arms around me and started singing the new Ed Sheeran song I was too scared to remember the name of.
"Do you feel better Sunshine?" Luke asked.
"I love you Luke."
He kissed my cheek. "I love you too."
We got into out pajamas and back into Luke's bed. Luke was the big spoon and I fell asleep cuddled in his arms and a smile on my face.
I would definately need to repay Luke.....somehow.
Also, I'm suprised Calum and Michael stayed cuddled and sound asleep the entire time.
A/N: So just fluff cloud of fluffiness. Also, I have a new book blurb out *shudders* for when this is over. You should tell me if you like it. I love your feedback. Also thank you for getting me this far. Bye Lovelies!

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