Ch.21: Malum and Lashton

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Luke's POV (I'll tell you when it switches later on.)

It was finally the day if the camping trip. I loaded all of my clothes into a duffel bag and into the car. I'd be spending three days and two nights at camp. I waved bye to my mum as I got out of the car and into the entry way at school. There, I met with Michael and Calum.

"Hey guys." I waved at them. They were also carrying duffel bags.

Calum looked over. "Hey Luke!"

He ran over and jumped on my back.

"To. Heavy. Can't. Support. The. Duffels. And. You." I fell over with a giggling Calum on me.

"He's not that heavy." Michael said.

"Fine, you can hold all that plus two duffels." I huffed.

Mikey picked up Cal with no problem as he ran into the school with a squealing Calum on his back.

"Easy for you!" I called and ran after them.

We reached our lockers and set our bags down.

"Don't look now, but Ashton's walking towards us." Michael said.

I looked behind me.

Calum whacked me in the head with his hand. "He told you NOT to look dumbnut."

"Whatever." I said. "I'm going to look, it's Ashton."

"What about me?" I turned to see him standing with his hand on his hip sassily.

"Uh, just....talking about..."

"Sleeping arrangements!" "Buddy system!" Calum and I screeched at the same time.

"You know, um, how we sleep in a big tent with another group....buddies?" I said.

"And how you like your space, so maybe with me and Cal?" Michael said.

"Suuuure." Is all he said, but then put his bag down and talked to Cal about something.

I let out a sigh of relief. He bought it, sort of. The bell rang and we all headed out to the buses. I sat down next to Ashton. I looked over at him. He looked so peaceful listening to music with his eyes closed.

"Quit staring." That made me jump a bit.

"How do you know I was staring?"

He luaghed, "I didn't, but now I do."

I can't believe I fell for that one.

"This gonna be a long ride and three days, so I'm just gonna rest." He said.

"Okay." I put my music in and listened to it the whole way.

Ashton's POV

I listened to my music until the bus announced that we were two miles away, so I put my things together and looked put the window. I looked over at Luke, who was messing with his headphones. He was so cute when he was confused. I'm not mad at him, I'm just waiting for the right time. I want to make it special....sort of. I'm just excited to be the one who makes the first move for once. I"m not that weird, okay? I promise.

We got off the bus and went into a big opening with benches to sit. I lugged my bag off the bus and plopped down at the nearest bench I found. Once everyone was seated, Dan and Phil started to talk.

"Hello everybody." Dan started. "Everyone can go pick another group to camp with and meet back here at twelve for capture the flag!"

"We'll start by having five groups of four, with the people you're camping out with." Phil said. "Then, when you come back, we'll give your team a color and whoever gets another team's color first and brings it back to their own base wins!"

That sounded fair enough. I walked over to meet Michael, Calum, and Luke.

"I'm pretty sure we're camping together, right?" I asked.

"Yep." Calum said. "Its gonna be so fun! We can tell scary stories and I get to sleep with my kitten and it'll be amazing!"

"Cal, I swear, sometimes you are the most stereotypical gay guy I have ever met." Luke luaghed.

"I can't help it." He shrugged. "Kitten is just so cute." He hugged Michael.

"I'm suprised Mikey doesn't pummel you into the ground." I said. We had reached our cabin and started to unpack.

"I would never do that to Cal!" Michael said. "But, I won't hesitate to pummel you or anyone who hurts the people I care about."

"Did you hear that?!" Calum exclaimed. "He called me someone he cares about!"

"Of course he does." I rolled my eyes. "Why else would he be dating you?"

He shrugged. "You're dating Luke, but you're in a fight."

"I'm so gonna get you for that!"

I chased Calum around the cabin until I finally cuaght him and tickled him until he was screeching and kicking.

"Uh, guys? Are you done yet? Its almost twelve." Michael said.

"Yeah." Calum and me both said.

We then walked out to where we were supposed to meet.Calum and Michael walked--well, Michael walked. Calum skipped-- infront of Luke and me. Luke looked really sad. It must've been what Calum said. It killed me to see him like that, so I slung my arm around his shoulder and smiled at him.

"We're totally gonna win this." I winked, knowing what my plan was going to be and walked away.


Luke and I were waiting by the designated tree that we were supposed to protect our colored flag in.

He started to mumble on and on about being sorry. "I can't tell you how little Faith meant to me." Blah bah blah, stuff like that. It was the perfect oppurtunity to put my plan into action.

"I forgive you. I really missed you. I love you so much and if you say that Faith meant nothing, then I believe you. Friends?" I asked. I was holding back a smirk because I knew what was coming next.

Luke looked hopeful, but his smile dropped when I said friends. But, he mustered to speak. "Friends." He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand, but pulled him in. Our lips were almost touching.

I told him. "I'm just kidding, I love you Luke, like a lot."

"I love you sunshine." He said.

Then I kissed him. He deepened it by turning me around and pushing me against the tree. He picked me up so I had my legs wrapped around his back. His tongue roamed my my mouth. I let out a moan, and let my hand roam under his shirt.

We proabaly would've kept going if we didn't hear a scream. Calum and Mikey were running towards us with a blue colored flag in Mikey's hand.

"Hey! You two lovebirds!" Calum screeched.

Luke and I jumped apart with bright red faces.

"I suggest you run! Really, really fast!" Michael yelled.

I saw four track girls running towards us and bolted with Michael, Calum, and Luke. We ran all the way back to the place with the benches, throwing the flag at Dan and Phil. All four of us collapsed into a pile of luaghter.

Phil blew a loud whistle. Everyone came trudging out of the woods.

"We have our two teams that won!" Phil announced.

Dan whispered. "Uh, guys, what are your team names?"

We loked at eachother and nodded. "Malum and Lashton." Luke said.

Dan whispered it to Phil and Phil announced it. People congradualted us, and I was glad it was time for lunch.....finally.

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