Ch.17 ~ H.e.y T.h.e.r.e A.s.h.t.o.n

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A/N: So, I'm at dance typing this. I thought I qould name this chapter. Don't kill me, but a boatload of sh!t is happening this chapter. Also, you'll se why I named it this ;) I don't know how many words. When I get back from dance or tomorrow, I'll try to link a song. But, honestly, just go look up the song after you read. (You'll know which song by the end of the chapter.)


Cal and I stared at eachother in shock.

"Two months?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was the second week of September and now, he we are in November." Harry said.

"Oh." Calum just looked sad.

Michael hugged him and kissed his head.

"I'm just glad you're awake."

My mum, Calum's parents, and the doctor came into the room.

"My baby!" My mum screamed out as she came and hugged me. She had been crying for a while.

"Hi mum." I said, muffled because it was sort of hard for me to breath in her hug.

"Calum!" She screeched again and went to hug him as our parents basically did a switch and his came to hug me as well.

"It's fine guys. We're awake and better." Calum said.

"Not exactly." The doctor said from a moniter he was looking at.

"What? What are you saying?" I asked.

My mother came back over to me. "Honey, they found glass fragments behind your right eye." (A/N: I have no idea if that actually happens or if they would live, so use some imagination here.)

"What?!" Luke said, he was really scared.

"Well." The doctor spoke up. "We're going to have to send you to New York for surgery. It will be fine. The doctors there are all very experienced and it isn't an extremely risky surgery."

"But, how can I go to New York?" I asked, still very much in shock.

"Our insurance pays for two people to go there and have the surgery done. Everything's already settled. We'll go down there two days from now and if everything goes great, we'll be back and in school by the end of December." My mum looked like that was a good thing.

"But-!" My mum cut me off.

"That's the only way to get better, Ash. We need you to do this and be brave. Can you do do that for me?"

I was so scared, I think I could've peed. "Um- yeah, I can be brave."

Luke came over to me and hugged me. "My brave little sunshine."

"Are we going to go too?" Connor asked.

"Do any one of us have any money?" Harry asked.

They all looked really bummed. "No." Michael said.

"It's all gonna be okay." Luke said. "I'll facetime you when you get there and before and after and everyday if you want."

"But that won't be the same." I was going to cry.

"I know, baby, I know. I promise, I'll be right here for you, the whole entire time." Luke said and hugged me tighter.


Two days later, I was on the plane to New York. It had been a pretty sad to say goodbye. I was still crying. I felt like everything happened extremely quick. It was all that stupid drunk drivers fualt. Everyone kept telling me it would be okay, but I wasn't so sure. Luke and everyone was pretty optimistic, until they last said goodbye. I finally had to let go of Luke when they called my flight. I remember him holding my hand until the very last second.

I would be gone for a month. A whole month without seeing everyone and being so far from home. I didn't think it was possible for me to last.

We got off the plane and took a taxi to the special brain hospital where the operation would take place. My mum and I went to talk to Dr. Liz about the surgery. She reminded me too much of Luke's mum just by the name. Dr. Liz was very nice and explained everything that would happen.

"Well, you're going to be put under amnesia (don't you guys dare say anything.) then you'll be under for about two hours. It will only seem for about fifteen minutes to you though."

"Oh, it'll be like taking a nap, Ash." My mum said.

"O-okay." I stuttered, still extremely scared.

"Then, you'll wake up and be in rehab and under surrvelence, You'll need to practice hand-eye corrdination while you're here."

"I'm already terrible at that." I said and Dr.Liz luaghed.

"Okay, we'' get you settled in your room and the operation will take place at two pm tomorrow."

"Thank you, Dr. Liz." My mother said.

"Thanks." I said.

We shook her hand and went up to my room.


It was about nine and when they said I had to sleep in an hour, they said I got a facetime call. I was so excited and answered it right away.

"Hiya sunshine!" Luke's perfect voice and face came up on stage.

"Hi Lukey!" I squealed.

"How is it there?" He asked.

"It's a really nice hospital. They have tons of stuff for me to do when I'm here after the surgery." I said.

"That's good." He said.

"Yeah, but you're not here." I pouted.

"It's okay, sunshine, I'm just a couple button presses away. What time's your surgery tomorrow?" He asked.

"It's at two." I said.

"I'll amke sure to call you then.

"Isn't that late or early there?" I questioned.

"It couldn't matter any less to me. I'll call you any time of the day."

We talked for about an hour when my nurse came in.

"You need to sleep soon now, Ashton." She said.

"Aw, I had one thing left to show you!" Luke complained.

My nurse ran over.

"Who's this young whippersnapper?" Luke and I giggled.

"He's my wonderful boyfriend" I said.

Instead of cringing or something like I thought she would, she just said. "Okay, you can show him your one last thing, but if anyone asks who let you stay up late, my name's Yulka, I'm from Germany, and have two kids." Luke and I both luaghed. "I'll be in here by 11, just in case you aren't sleeping by then." She gave us a wink and left.

"You have an awesome nurse." Luke said.

"I know." I said back. "What's the last thing?"

"Oh, just this." Luke pulled out his guitar and stated to strum.

"Hey there Ashton what's it like in New York City? We're a thousand miles apart, but tonight you look so pretty." He sangthe rest of the song and I was crying.

"Night Sunshine. I love you."

"I love you too, Lukey."

I hung up and heard sniffeling.

My nurse was standing by the door, crying.

"I'm sorry, that was so unvelievably sweet." She came over to hug me then left.

I was left to cry and dream the dreams of Luke and I cuddling at home.

A/N: That was fluffy and sad and so cute at the same time. I like Ashton's nurse. I hope I didn't kill all of you to much and sorry for being slow. I love you lovelies.


P.S. We carved pumpkins earlier today, before dance. I washed my hands so many times, and I still smell like pumpking guts! Okay, that was random.

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