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Luke hadn't really talked to Ashton for the past two weeks. He had explained and said sorry a million times. Ash came back to school, he would be doing rehab here.He had texted it to Ashton and he had left notes, he even talked to Michael and Calum. Ashton was being stubborn. I mean I can understand, but still.

Faith was my ex. I had broken up with her when we moved here. She was a slut who only wanted to hook up anyways. I don't know why she texted me that. She was probably drunk or high and texted me instead of whoever she was with now. I wasn't going to give up though. I tried talking to him so many times, but that didn't work either.

I walked into our pre-calculus class and started to talk with Michael, Calum, Harry, and Connor.

"Hey." Harry said as I came to sit on the desk that they were all crowded around.

"Hi." I said back. "Whatcha talking about?" I asked.

"How the camping trip is tomorrow." Connor said very excited.

"What?" I asked.

"The one our class goes on every year?" Calum said.

"Ohh, that one, I totally forgot."

"Anyways." Michael said. "I hope I get one of you guys as my partner."

"Yeah, we all requested eachother, but we only get one." Connor puted.

"What exactly happens?" I asked.

"Oh, right. You're new." Harry said. "Well, we each get one partner to share a tent with and compeete with."

"It's so fun." Calum said. "At th end of the second day, right before we leave, the team wit the most points gets a huge bag of gummy bears."

"That's cool." I said.

"Yeah, it's really fun, if you get someone good." Michael said.

"But, we all requested eachother, right." Connor asked.

"I did." Harry said.

"Me too." They all said.

"I think I put your guys' names down." I said. "I don't know how this all works quite yet.

We heard a clearing of the throat behind us.

"Oh hey Ash." Connor said.

"Hey." His voice sounded small and shy. 

"We were just guessing about who our partners will be." Michael said.

"You did request us all, right?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, I'm hoping to get one of you." He said.

The teacher spoke up. "Alright, class. Please take your seats." We all sat down, really excited to see who our partners for tomorrow would be. Also, to see what the competitions would be.

"We have two visitors here today. I think you all know them."

The class hollered when two tall guys with black hair and skinnies walked out. I didn't know who they were, but apparently everyone else loved them.

"Hi, I"m Dan." One of them spoke up.

"I'm Phil, just in case you don't know us, we're the directors of the camp trip." 

They only looked a bit older than us. Maybe only like 21 or 22, I couldn't tell for sure.

"We have lots of fun things planned and many compettions, and I"m sure you'd like to hear your partners." The teacher cut Dan off.

"Rules." She said.

"Oh, right." Phil started. "You probably already know them, but we have to keep telling you them, I know, boring. Anyways, there can't be any girls with guys. For obvious sleeping reasons. You can use the showers for ten minutes before breakfast or it starts without you. There is a lake, rec room, and cafeteria, but those are only open during breaks. The final is to have fun and yeah." He pointed to Dan. "My lovely assistant would like to tell you your partners and the competitions now."

Dan started to talk. "Okay the competitions will include scavenger hunt, a team building activity with your partner, high ropes course, capture the flag, glow-games, and best campfire act."

Everybody cheered at that. It did sound like alot of fun.

"And now to Phil with your partners."

I basically tuned out until I heard my name being called.

"Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin,"

Of all people, this was by far the best pick ever. I"m sure Ashton was thinking the exact oppisite. I heard that Harry got partnered with Connor and Michael with Calum. We basically got our dream picks except for Ashton. Probably. I'm hoping he doesn't hate me.

Dan and Phil finished announcing.

"Alright." Dan clapped his hands. "We can't wait to see you tomorrow at 11."

"By the way." Phil said. "We will have schedules for you to know when breaks in between competitions are."

"And, don't forget. The team with the best score will get a giant bag of gummy bears."

"Okay, bye, see you all tomorrow."

They walked out of the classroom.

The teacher started to talk. "Okay, no homework tonight. No teachers are going, so I'll see you all next Monday, class dismissed.

I tried to catch up to Ashton in the hall, but he was swallowed by the huge mass of students that were all let out for the day. I would just talk to him on the bus ride there.

A/N: Hey eggplants! How do you like Dan and Phil being the counselors? Idk how you'll react, but yep, there it is. Next chappie's gonna be good. ;)


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