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"Would someone please explain to me what is going on?" Alphonse Hale was the first to speak, but this did not help with the tension in the room. Archor was squirming in his seat beside his father, a mixture of emotion written on his face, ready to burst at any moment.

"This is probably some sort of misunderstanding, Klaus was just trying to be polite and hand Violet the salt since he was closer to it than Mr. Maddox, right Niklaus?" Ravon cocked an eyebrow, urging Nik to go along with him. My father was trembling in the seat beside me, his anger reaching new points as Niklaus stared back at him, an unwavering sense of confidence and ease radiating from the younger man, as if he weren't afraid of anything. 

"Son, please inform our esteemed guest that you do not have relations with his daughter." Alphonse said, his tone almost pleading. Nik's jaw ticked and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. This isn't happening. This isn't happening-

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this-" Before Niklaus could finish, my father stood straight up, knocking the chair he had been sitting on to the floor with a loud knock. My father drew the glock from his hip and pointed it on Niklaus, an angry growl escaping my lips. But Nik was quick to respond, drawing out his own gun and pointing it at my father's direction. No one in the room knew what to do except for gasp. These were two important members between the two families, who do you protect without angering the other side? The treaty between the Maddox's and the Hale's was hanging on by a thread. "-Reconsider what you're doing Talon, I would hate for this to end in bloodshed."

"Oh, I can promise blood will be shed, but it won't be mine." My father snarled, his eyes unwavering from Niklaus, "I need to hear it from the horse's mouth: Violet, did you fuck him?"

"Dad, please," I began to sob at his side and I could see my brothers from my peripheral vision become rigid as they realized I wasn't denying my father's allegations. 

"Answer me!" My father screamed, saliva flying from his lips as he spoke. "Answer me right fucking now, Violet Alannah Maddox, or I swear to the fucking lord that I will put a bullet in his skull." 

"Y-Yes, it's true, but-" I cried, feeling my throat begin to close around itself. 

"Leave her out of this, Maddox." Niklaus butt in, standing to meet my father's angry gaze. 

"Oh, boy, you have no idea who you're fucking with," My father laughed manically. "I will gut you like a pig for touching my daughter, just you fucking wait; the first thing to go will be that filthy dick between your legs."

"Dad! Please stop this!" I grabbed my father's bicep, attempting to pull him away. My father dropped his arm, but instead of controlling his emotions and sitting down to talk, I felt a crisp slap across my cheek. The blow made my head spin for a moment, my mind going blank and playing stars across my vision. Someone was quick to grab my arm and pull me away just in time for my father to be tackled to the ground. Nik straddled my father's waist, punching him in the face repeatedly as my father's head rolled from side to side with each blow. 

"Don't ever fucking touch her like that again!" Nik yelled, standing slowly as my father turned on his side to stand. My mother tended to my cheek, repeatedly apologizing on my father's behalf. A pair of hands were on my waist, turning me to face him. 

"Are you okay?" Niklaus questioned, his thumb running across the outline of my father's fingers on my cheek, frowning deeply as I winced at his faint touch. "Someone grab her an ice-pack." Nik demanded, to which a small woman on staff scurried off into the kitchen to avoid an further fighting. I leaned my forehead against Nik's chest and let my tears flow fluidly down my cheeks, my sobs echoing through the room because no one dared to speak. "It's going to be okay, alright? I've got you-" Niklaus gave out a strangled noise as he pulled away, my father having grabbed a fistful of Nik's curls and pulling me backward. Having full control over the younger man, my father wheeled Niklaus toward the table and slammed his forehead against the hard mahogany wood. Archor began to stand to aid his younger brother but Alphonse Hale was quick to put his hand on his eldest son's shoulder. 

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