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My father had shoved me into Valen's room, unsure of what to do with me. He had threatened to teach me a lesson, but after realizing Niklaus was most likely on his way to get me, he had to make a plan and quick. He took counsel with my brothers, Liam, and Liam's father, Micheal. 

"We need to move Violet and her mother somewhere safe, this isn't the place for them in the middle of a war zone." Liam said as I pressed my ear to the door to listen in. 

"I don't trust any of these motherfuckers anymore, after Brock and Cash, and then the Hale's , I don't know who to hand my daughter over to for her protection. Violet and her mother are completely against me on this, all I have are the people standing with me here." My father said exasperatedly. I yearned for the father I had once known and loved, I couldn't believe this is what our lives had come to. 

"Maybe you should've just left her in Chicago. She was safe there-" My twin began to say quietly. 

"Excuse me, son? Are you saying your little sister should be in the hands of a man who only wants her body? Who took her innocence?" My father screamed, his anger palpable even through the door. 

"They seemed to love each other, I don't think he just wants sex from her." Val tried to reason. 

"Violet doesn't even know what love is, she met one boy and decided to give him everything!" My father yelled and I imagined him stepping into Valen's space, trying to intimidate him. 

"Who's fault is that, Dad? You've kept her here like a fucking zoo animal. She was the picture-perfect daughter for you, but she wasn't able to make friends or even have the chance to meet the opposite sex because you are too scared to let her grow up!" Viktor butt in, his voice strong and unwavering. "And instead of celebrating the fact that she bloomed into a strong woman in just months of being away from you, you tear her away from her only friend and the guy she deemed worthy enough to give her virginity to. Violet is incredibly smart and has a good head on her shoulders; she never would've fucked just any guy and I think you know that. But you couldn't control her anymore and that's what pissed you off." There was a sound of a struggle and I tried to open the door to stop them, but of course, my father had locked me in. 

"Stop this! Dad, you need to wake up. Violet is nineteen years old, all of us had had sex by the time were were sixteen and you had never had a problem with us bringing girls home, hell you fucking encouraged it. But with Violet, it's the end of the world that she has a physical relationship with someone. And now you've fucked us all over." Vaughn sighed softly. "Niklaus Hale will kill us all to get to her, he won't bat an eye to it. You caught him off guard on Christmas, but he won't let that happen again." 


The air reverberating from the Maddox family home seemed to scream luxury, wealth, and power. The Hales often kept to themselves and liked to keep their money to themselves; Maddox's... they liked to flaunt. To even get into the gate of the manor was something of a challenge, Talon having assumed I was coming for his daughter must've increased security. But what Talon didn't know was:

I was the wrong man to fuck with. 

My team of over fifty men and women divided into our predetermined teams; ten of them breaching the southern gate, ten breaching the western and eastern gates and ten creating a diversion on the northern gate to create a focal point of our attack. My body vibrated with the idea of having Violet back in my arms and this time, I wouldn't let her go. My select group of ten, the most skilled fighters and strategists by my sides as we walked through the now secured southern gate. 

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