Chapter Five

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Heather Chandler's POV

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Where the hell was she? I was looking for her everywhere when I glanced out the window and saw her, but not how I wanted. She and Ram were too close, and she was resting her head on his shoulder. I felt too many emotions to catch or understand bubble up, everything all at once. 

I stumbled backward, a hand flying to my mouth so as not to squeak and draw attention. I felt nausea rise in my throat when Ram kissed her temple and she didn't push him away. She stayed limp and happy.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to slap his vile face. But I just stared in horror. I was just drunk and overreacting, I couldn't do something I'd regret. 

I never realized I was head over heels for this stupid girl until it was too late, and Ram realized the fucking same. Ram doesn't do gentle. But Ram did gentle. Now he'd take her and marry her and I'd attend the wedding and pretend to be happy for them. He'd do whatever he wanted. He'd hold her, cuddle her, fuck her, support her, kiss her. He'd do everything I wanted with the girl I wanted. 

I love (y/n).

(y/n) doesn't love me.

I gathered my racing thoughts and opened the door. I was going home, I wanted to be in the comfort of my bed, home alone, and sob as loud as I wanted. Ram looked up at me in confusion, and I just knew (y/n) was asleep on his shoulder.

"Why's she sleeping on you?" I didn't bother to beat around the bush. I was too angry and heartbroken. 

"We were just chatting and she got tired. What's up with you?" He explained, glancing fondly down at her. 

"Just tired and a bit drunk. I gotta drive her home, so I'm gonna steal her now." I informed curtly. I frankly didn't care at this point, I just wanted her off him and to go home.

"You're not driving her home drunk." He looked like he wanted to stand up but remembered the sleeping girl on his shoulder. 

"Well she has no other ride home and I'm not leaving her here with you." I scowled. "I've driven drunk before, it's perfectly fine." It wouldn't be fine, but would I let her wake up at Ram's house? Hell no!

"Well, I guess you'll just have to suffer. She's not dying in some dumb crash you get her into." Ram argued. My eyebrows knitted together.

"McNamara didn't drink, I'll just get her to drive us. I'll be back." I walked back in and heard the sound swell the second I passed the threshold. I looked around for a bright yellow shirt. Yellow shirt... yellow shirt... There she was! 

"Heather!" I called out over the music and put my hand on her shoulder. She was talking to Kurt, red solo cup in hand. I felt panic lurch inside me until I noticed it was just orange juice. Hopefully not spiked.

"You sober?" I asked as she turned to me. She nodded. "You're driving me and (y/n) home in the Porsche. C'mon." I command and grab her hand, dragging her.

"Why are we leaving so early? It's only like, 8?" She yelled over the music as we weaved through the hoard of high and drunk teens.

"(y/n)'s getting cuddly with Ram and I'm drunk and tired." I answered, not bothering to face her. She stayed silent behind me, likely just nodding. Finally I opened the door and dragged McNamara out into the cooling evening air. 

Ram sat there with (y/n) now cuddling closer and loosely clutching his arm. I felt anger bubble up in my throat again up but kept it down. 

"We're taking her now." I stepped closer, much to Ram's dismay, and took her into my arms. It was pretty awkward but eventually I adjusted and managed to hold her bridal style. I smiled down at her and began to carry her. She was surprisingly easy to carry, so that was good.

"My keys are in my purse, third compartment." I informed McNamara, who was following behind us. I heard her mutter some response and start rifling through my bag and finally find them. She unlocked my car and I gently dumped (y/n) into the backseat, kissing her temple softly and closing the door to take shotgun. 

"So am I taking your car home or sleeping over?" McNamara asked softly.

"You can sleep over, my parents won't mind. I suppose we'll have (y/n) join us since her parents probably wouldn't like two strangers carrying in their unconscious daughter." I stated, hopefully confidently. But having (y/n) in my house was making me nervous. What if she didn't like it, if it was too dark or red or big? I didn't realize how long I'd been silent until McNamara broke the silence.

"Do you like her?" The whispered softly, sparing a glance at me then looking back to the road.

"I-I uh... I do- why the- why would I like her?" I stammered, face as red as my blazer I always wore.

"You seemed really upset about her and Ram. And you kissed her temple. That's usually not platonic. Plus I've seen the way you look at her, even before she was with us." I somehow managed to blush even more than I already was. My face was burning and I could feel my heart hammering against my rib-cage.

"It's perfectly okay, ya know. I'm actually bisexual." She told me shakily. I looked at her and gave her a grin.

"How did we somehow manage to have two gay Heathers?" I awkwardly joked. "I'm a full-on lesbian." 

(959 words)

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