Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(y/n)'s POV

I woke up to my alarm clock blasting my ears out before I realized something utterly fantastic, mind blowing, life-changing even.

It was Halloween.

I bolted upright and stumbled out of bed, still half asleep but too excited to not get ready immediately. I grabbed the outfit I'd laid out last night, which was festive for the holiday. This included a soft gray sweater and and orange army jacket over it, since who needed to color coordinate on a holiday? Or a holigay?

My pants were just black skinny jeans and I also had clunky black combat boots. I brushed out my hair before putting on the outfit. I then washed my face and brushed my teeth, grinning wide. Tonight was the night of the dance. Would Heather want to dance with me? She hadn't formally asked me and she normally was the one to make a move in the thing we had. Maybe she wanted to be able to dance with other people?

Or maybe she wanted to come off straight to the school? That was understandable, I understood that actually. It was probably that. Our school and town were super homophobic, enough that I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of us ended up bruised and bloody behind the school for coming out. Which was horribly gruesome, but a reality I had to come to terms with.

Then I saw it, a little pin I could put on my jacket, a little sign of rebellion.

It was white with a dripping rainbow on it, as if it was painted on. In dainty black text it said "love is love". Yes, that was a rebellion I could safely use, acting as if I was just some ally who cared about human rights.

My smile grew even wider as I pinned it on my jacket, over my heart. That would get 'em.

I looked over at my alarm clock to check the time and realized I'd been staring off into space and thinking for too long. I needed to get my stuff and wait for Heather to pick me up like she did everyday.

I shoved a couple books in my bag, grabbing that homework that was due today and sprinted down the stairs to wait. Who the hell decided to give her class homework due on the best day of the year? Why, Ms. Fleming of course! No shock there, let me tell ya. She always did this. Homework assigned over breaks and weekends, homework due on every students birthday, homework due during finals week.

Anyone who had her class wasn't fond of her, to say the least.

But even her crankiness and hatred of the true spirit of Halloween wasn't gonna bring me down today! I was gonna have a good day at school, get home, change, look sexy in my costume, and have a ball at the dance whether the universe liked it or not. I would punch the sun if it meant my favorite day wouldn't be ruined by the imbeciles I attended school with.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a honk slicing through the quiet air. I flinched and stood up, zipping my backpack and hoisting it onto my back. I grinned as I opened the front door and sprinted out, nearly forgetting to close the door. Lucky me, I didn't have to lock the door today since my mom would be going on a walk with the dog in maybe half an hour or so.

"What's got you all hyped up? Did you have five cups of coffee?" Heather asked as I climbed into her car (which I managed to finally get good at entering and exiting, thank you very much). I giggled a little bit in response.

"Not a single drop of caffeine is in my system missy. It's just HALLOWEEN!" I grinned giddily and I heard her snort at my behavior.

"It's just a holiday, what's the big deal?"

"What's. The. Big. Deal?! It's only the greatest and best holiday to ever exist, thank you very much,"

"I love you and all, but you're such a dork," she laughed. I froze up a bit, and I saw her stiffen beside me. A long, uncomfortable silence settled between the two of us.

"You... you love me?" I squeaked out after a second too many had passed without saying a word.

"Well... yeah but I- I don't wanna pressure... you don't have to say anything- let's just move on okay?" She stuttered. I almost laughed at her awkwardness, if not for the current situation I would have burst out in giggles and that cute blush on her face would light up even more red than it was.

"Yeah I... we're not even- let's come back to this later? Or like in a while or so?" I said. I saw her nod stiffly out of the corner of my eye. Another awkward silence fell over us, and no matter how hard I wanted to brush it off and ramble about who knows what, I couldn't seem to open my mouth and make words come out.

"We're here," Heather announced, voice ringing through the almost silent car.

"Cool beans," I said as I climbed out, clunky combat boots pairing with the pavement nicer than the heels I normally wore ever did.

"Yeah..." she said whilst heading in. I quickly followed, heart hammering. Was I supposed to say "I love you too" earlier? I was so startled that I completely forgot my plan to make her mine. But thinking of it after the event made my ears feel warm and a stupid smile weasel its way into my lips. She loved me.

Heather Chandler loved me, (y/n) (l/n) and she openly said it.

Was it hot in this hallway or was it just my sweater under a jacket?

"You look different," Veronica snorted, bringing me out of my fantasies. I grinned and did a little spin.

"Hell yeah I do. This is way more my style than what I normally wear, so Heather let me dress down for the best holiday ever,"

"My god she is so whipped," she laughed, making me look at her as if she was an alien. "Ya know, when somebody would do anything for their-"

"Yeah Ronnie I know what whipped means, but why do you say that?"

"She didn't even let me wear flats with the normal get-up on my own birthday, yet here you are. She's so into you," I blushed in response, thinking of the car ride minutes prior.

"She told me she loved me." I whispered.

(1111 words)

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