Chapter Thirty-Two

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(y/n)'s POV

I grinned as I looked in the mirror, seeing myself in the costume I'd picked for today. I honestly looked good, and felt good. I hoped Heather would agree, but one time she told me I looked sexy after I just woke up in the morning, even with a bit of drool on the corner of my lips, so I should have been fine.

I decided a red lipstick would go with the look right after school, so now my lips were even painted red and somehow not an absolute mess. Today really was my lucky day, huh?

I mean, I even kissed the girl I liked and she asked me to be her girlfriend and agreed to be my date to the dance.

Holy shit, I had a girlfriend.

That sounded really pretty, the word girlfriend was just so great, I could have repeated it for eternity and never got bored of it.

I was snapped from my fantasies as a honk sounded outside. I quickly grabbed my little gold purse that had put two tickets and other essentials inside, slung it across my shoulder, and ran down the stairs faster than I'd ever ran before. Not even that one month in freshman year when I decided I wanted to be athletic and do track.

I flung open the door, and almost tripped and face-planted. I was seriously lucky I was wearing sandals, not heels, but I still could have slipped and gotten hurt. That wasn't an impression I really wanted to make on my new girlfriend.

"Excited, huh?" She called after rolling down her window. I grinned and nodded, closing the door and jogging over to the Porsche.

"Yeah, I'm really stoked. I'm so happy you're my date, even if only our friends can know," I gave her a small peck on the lips, careful not to smudge either of our lipstick. She smiled wide, with something I couldn't quite place in her eyes.

"Yeah, if I could show you off to the world, I would. Every single day of my life," she whispered, and I smiled even wider despite the soreness in my cheeks from today. I hadn't been this happy in a long time, honestly. Heather made me feel loved and happy and everything my normal life lacked.

"I don't doubt it. And I would do the same," I whispered back.

"We're easily the cutest couple in school." She bragged, her voice picking up volume a bit, but remaining hushed. As if we were exchanging secrets of some sort. Which we kind of were.

"Yeah yeah, now get to driving so we can get there and let our friends see how cute we are," I rolled my eyes.

She saluted and started the short drive to school. We chatted and laughed the entire way until we rolled up, crispy leaves fluttering onto the car. Heather ran out and all the way around the vehicle as I was unbuckling and making sure I had everything I needed. She swung my door open and bowed, making a sweeping motion with her hand.

"After you, milady," she said in a posh accent. I giggled and stepped out gracefully, wind blowing my flowy skirt in just the right way.

"Why thank you, dearest," I imitated her accent. She shut the door and I took that moment to take in her appearance. She was dressed a long black dress with a purple belt, hair straightened out. She also had grabbed a large, pointy witch hat from the backseat. Her shoes were nearly covered, but it looked like she was wearing black velvet flats. She looked quite luxurious and was the prettiest witch I'd ever seen.

"Who're you dressed up as?" She asked as we started our walk inside. We were conscious to walk a couple inches apart, together but not dating. I felt as if every move I made tonight would have to be calculated.

"I'm Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty," I explained, glancing at her face. Her eyes still had that look in them, that warmth I couldn't quite pin. She was absolutely glowing, today. And I was sure I was too.

"Ah, of course you picked a nerdy one," She teased, opening the door and holding it for me.

"Well duh, if I didn't I wouldn't be the me that you know," I playfully snapped back. "Ya know, you don't have to open doors for me and stuff," I nudged her arm.

"But I want to,"

"Well it'll look suspicious, I think. I don't see you doing it for everyone else," I kept my tone light, but said that in a hushed whisper, leaning in towards her ear. I saw her shiver a little bit, and wondered why. It wasn't particularly cold in here, and her dress had long sleeves while mine was on one thin strap.

"Alright then," She whispered back. "Good eye, I'll be bit more bitchy,"

"Just a bit, you don't wanna be an asshole to your new girlfriend. Just act natural." I teased, leaning just bit bit closer to her ear. She nodded, smirking a bit.

"No, we wouldn't want that." She returned to a normal volume as we reached the gym, where the dance would be taking place. I smiled and went in, following her closely. Immediately I was hit with the booming sound of music playing, and not the music I normally listened to. It was bright and upbeat with a fast pace, and I couldn't hear anything else, not even the hundreds of screaming teens when "their song" came on.

I registered Heather's arm brushing mine and she waltzed away in attempt to find Mac and Veronica. Or some other friend that I hadn't met before, or maybe I had. She knew plenty of other people and liked showing off to them by conversing when she looked better than normal. She liked holding her place as queen bee, and she definitely wasn't planning on letting that title slip past her. So sometimes the queen would mingle with the peasants as a plan to keep in power.

I mean I wished she was with me right now but what could you do when you were gay and trying to keep your blood in your body? That's right, nothing. So I instead searched for the elusive Veronica to chat the night away.

"Hey loserface, over here!" I heard a familiar voice call and I turned to see my good buddy Ronnie dressed in the knight costume I picked out for her. She looked good when she was in full body armor.

"Knight-ce costume," I joked, giving an uneasy smile. I didn't really like crowds or loud noise and this dance had both of those, so I was a bit on edge. Veronica knew and understood, though, so it would all be fine.

"Thanks, and you're looking like the goddess of beauty herself," she complimented back.

"As if. Anyway, I'm still so happy! I really like her- err, him! Yes him I love him," I gushed, panicking at the pronouns. Ronnie nodded, winking.

"Yeah, you're gonna be the cutest couple ever. He's so in love with you, how'd that happen?" She teased, lightly smacking my arm. I dramatically winced and held my arm as if I've been shot.

"How DARE you!" I wailed, and I was surprised nobody turned and questioned it. Everyone knew we were the dorks who managed to get popular, and expected nothing less than our strange hijinks by now.

"Because I can," she gave a huge toothy grin. I was already exhausted, I knew this was going to be a long night.

(1281 words)

My Mythic Bitch In Redजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें