Chapter Thirty-One

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(y/n)'s POV

I glanced up at the clock to see it was finally the end of the day that I was desperately yearning for.

But on the flip side, I had no clue if Heather was bringing me home because of this morning, since she'd been avoiding me all day. She hadn't even been subtle about it, just turning the other way whenever I walked up near her.

And since she normally escorted Veronica to French, I figured she'd be there and I could say hey, but she flaked on Ronnie too.

Would she even give me the time of day at the dance? Oh god, what if I had to leave early or dance with JD or something? He was a nice kid, but he liked me two weeks ago and I didn't know if it had gone away, and he creeped me out a bit.

I really just wanted to dance with Heather. We could brush it off as just being friends if the song was fast enough and there was minimal touching involved, despite how annoying that sounded.

I'd look into her eyes and she'd look into mine, and we'd smile and know that once we were in private and out of danger, we'd kiss. We'd kiss with every ounce of passion that we'd bottled up while knowing each other, and we'd know that we were truly loved.

But for now, I just needed to walk out the school doors and see if I was walking home or not.

The air was crisp and chilly, which made me glad for my attire, feeling the way it nipped at my nose and ears. A couple strands of hair found their way into my face, which was the less nice part of the cold wind.

I heard a honk and I jumped as I was brought out of my thoughts. The car who did it was a cherry red Porsche, which made me smile as I walked up to it. Inside was a confused Heather, beautiful as always.

"What're you doing? Get in here," she snapped. I gasped a bit at her harsh tone.

"You were avoiding me all day so I assumed I was just walking home," I explained while opening the door and sliding in.

"I wouldn't do that, I was just embarrassed about this morning and didn't have the heart to face you." She softened, glancing over at me.

"Don't be. I... I really like you too. I don't know if it's love because it's not like anything I've read in those cheesy romance books, but I like it. And I wanna go to the dance with you. We can be secretive I just- I wanna count you as my date," I rambled, before she leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to  my lips.

My mind went blank and I stared forward a bit, holding back a grin, but I kissed back, still smiling into it.

"You can shut up now," she whispered after ending the kiss. I grinned, face hotter than the sun.

"Yeah okay," I said stupidly, just taking in the look of her face. Her hair was messier than normal today, and her red lipstick was smeared. There was a pink tinge on her cheeks that I definitely could have gotten used to.

She then went all the way back to her seat and started the car, much to my dismay.

"So why isn't it like the romance books? What you feel, I mean?" She asked, messy lips forming a teasing smirk.

"Well, I don't really get those butterflies or fireworks, they wore off a bit after we met. But you're almost always on my mind and then I smile because you're so great. And you're just like home to me, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than by your side at all times. I miss you five minutes after we depart. I think of your jokes late at night and actually laugh out loud. You're- you're my everything," I ranted, voice soft as if someone else would hear. This was so private, so personal. To let someone else know would feel... bad, for lack of a better word.

"That's... that's the best thing anyone's ever said to me," she whispered after a long silence.

"How could that be? Everyone likes you, even some of the closeted girls."

"Well, they don't really, they just like my looks or wanna bang me. You were so... sincere. And emotional. That's what I've always wanted. Sure, I didn't see that with a girl until like sophomore year when I realized I was gay, but... thank you, (y/n) (l/n). You mean everything to me,"

"Well that's good, because otherwise that kiss seriously would have mislead me, and Halloween is not the day for heartbreak! Instead, you just boosted its status as the best day of the year by FAR," I grinned like a kid with a pillowcase full of candy. Her own smile grew, too, which brought me a lot of joy.

I made an angel smile today, I even kissed one right on the mouth.

"Hey, (y/n), I know this is seriously taboo and you're supposed to do this all romantic and after a couple dates... but would you be my girlfriend?" She asked quietly, as if she thought I'd turn her down after today.

"You're seriously aiming to make this the actual best day ever, right? Of course I'll be your girlfriend, I've been thinking of ways to ask for a whole week! Though honestly, this seems like the most romantic way it could have happened," I gushed, face heating up even more after it had died down.

"Perfect! I'll pick you up for the dance at 7, be ready and look just as cute as you normally do. We're finally gonna have our first date!" She released an uncharacteristic squeal and I nodded.

"We're not gonna actually act couple-y though, right? Just for our safety," I clarified, and I saw her face fall a bit.

"Yeah, I forgot people are still assholes. We're at your house, I'll see you tonight, love," She bid her farewell and I clambered out, losing the grace and dignity I just recently managed to muster. I waved and ran into the house, eager to tell the story to Veronica.

(1058 words)

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