Chapter Forty-Three

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(y/n)'s POV

I hugged Heather hard as I stood at the door to go home, not long after school was ended for the day. I needed to be home so my parents didn't suspect anything. They didn't like me skipping school as much as I did at the start of the year, and now I hadn't even been on the school grounds today for more than 20 minutes.

I pulled away, looking at her face. We'd cleaned ourselves up since the whole thing, and calmed down a bit since the news.

I smiled at her and stepped back. I was walking home, since it was a nice day for November and I was scared, but if I got murdered at least I'd be alone so Heather didn't get stabbed up too. I started on my walk, waving goodbye to my lovely girlfriend.

I saw this look on her face before she waved and closed the door. With her eyes filled with worry and furrowed brows, I could see that she knew exactly what I was thinking. She always wanted to be the brave one who protected me, but sometimes I needed to care of myself. Sometimes I needed to take care of her.

Everything would be okay because it had to. I had to grow up and marry her and see her in an expensive white dress and exchange a kiss that was in front of other people, not hidden from every other living soul. I had to watch her with a baby we'd adopt and hear her singing to it in a whisper and kiss its head gently. I had to see the ring on her finger every day, catching the light beautifully. I had to hear her morning voice every morning and lean in and give her a groggy kiss before we get ready for the day.

I just... I needed her to get out of this whole mess alive.

That's what I thought about while I walked. It made me smile, and I felt like I deserved to smile right now. Heather and I deserved our happy ending, and I was going to get it for us whether I had to slap the author of my fate and scream in its face for eternity or not. If I had to run away and take her with me, I'd do it. If I had to come face to face with the murderer and stab them straight in the chest to protect her and our future, I would.

I almost didn't realize when I reached my house. I was too busy thinking to notice where I was walking. I turned into my driveway, hands in my pockets. I opened the door and immediately saw my parents in the living room, eyes glued on the TV. I saw my mom look over and sigh in relief.

"(y/n), where were you?! School was released early today because of the suicide!" She asked, coming over to me.

"Heather and I were hanging out after we got out and I forgot to call, sorry," I said. It was only partially a lie, so it was fine.

"You need to tell us where you are, kid. We get that you're a senior and want your freedom, but we still worry," my father lectured. I gave him a small smile.

"Okay, cool. I'll be in my room now," I walked up the stairs and opened the door, ready to just snuggle up in a blanket and fall asleep. I was instead greeted by the phone ringing right as I made my way to the bed.

I groaned and walked over to the other side of the room. Veronica was calling.

"Did you hear about the suicide?" She asked after I answered, before I could even say "Hello".

"Well, yeah. Everyone did," I told her, trying to hide the fear in my voice. She didn't know that it was clearly a murder, and she didn't need to know.

"Yeah but you ran out. By the way, where did you go?" She, too, sounded a bit panicked. I wondered why, but maybe she was just upset about a classmate dying today. It was understandably traumatic.

"I went to Heather's and saw it on the news while we were hanging out," I decided to leave out the whole sex part. It felt like a little secret thing meant for just the two of us, and sharing it with Veronica would be imposing on something that was just meant for us.

"You sound embarrassed. Did you do something?" She gasped. I could tell she was desperate for a distraction from whatever was troubling her.

"Well we... wanted to forget stuff," I said quietly, facing lighting up in flames.

All I could say was, she was really fucking good at eating people out.

"You fucked her!" She sang instantly. I shushed her.

"Quiet, Ronnie! Okay, maybe we did, but it's not a big deal... she's really good though," I smiled at the memory.

"This is absolutely rich! Did she take your virginity?" She asked excitedly. I groaned and rolled my eyes, blushing even harder.

"Veronica!" I whined.

"I'm sorry but you're my best friend and this is news!" She explained excitedly.

"Well yeah she did but-" I lowered my voice.

"Of course! Your relationship is absolute perfection. Too bad nobody else agrees, though," she turned more solemn and quiet.

"They'll come around when it's 'cool' one day and then we can be like 'ha I supported gay people before it was cool' and live happily ever after,"

"Ah yes, that is indeed how our lives will play out, no prejudice by the time we're adults so that I can go to the wedding." She laughed a bit.

"If you don't go to the wedding I will be very disappointed in you," I joked.

"Can't have that. I gotta go, bye." She hung up abruptly, not even leaving me a moment to say bye.

I shrugged, figuring her mom was calling her or Martha wanted to hang out, since they were working on trying to be friends again.

I then plopped face-down onto my bed to just sleep, feeling my exhaustion pulling me like a magnet to my comfortable covers and pillows.

(1046 words)

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