Chapter Forty-Six

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(y/n)'s POV

The school day's end came as dreadfully slowly as its beginning. I was exhausted, mostly emotionally, and ready to pass out of my bed. I had just gotten out of the doors when I felt something brush my arm.

I soon saw the dark figure of Jason Dean looming over me with an unreadable expression resting on his face.

"Hey," he said casually after a couple seconds of just looking at one another.

"Hey yourself," I replied awkwardly. Heather was waiting for me, and I wanted to get back to her. Something about JD's demeanor was making me feel even more uneasy than I had been this morning.

"Can I talk to you? Behind the school? It'll only take a minute," he asked simply. I nodded, feeling a bit guilty as I glanced to the cherry red Porsche that I'd grown to love. It was empty as of now, so Heather probably got held up anyway.

He grabbed my wrist with an iron grip that made my skin crawl as he started to drag me behind the school. I reluctantly followed, though it wasn't like I exactly had a choice. We turned a corner and I followed him helplessly, ignoring my bad feeling about this.

We got the our destination and he dropped my hand, and I had half the mind to bolt from there. I stood still, though, and he looked around cautiously.

"So, have you heard about Kurt and Ram?" He asked casually, but I noticed a hint of excitement in his face, which gave me a sick feeling in my gut.

"Yeah, I have. It's a real shame," I said, and I surely wasn't lying.

"Is it, though? I mean, they were both jerks and awful people. You would know," he said.

"That doesn't mean that they deserved to die." I told him evenly, holding on desperately to my composure.

"Yes they did. I killed them for a reason, (y/n)," he said, taking a step closer. I felt my stomach drop to the floor as he grabbed my wrist.

"You- you couldn't have!" I gasped, trying to yank my arm back but his grip was too tight.

"Didn't I just say I did? You don't listen too well, do you?" He teased, but it didn't come off as a joke. I couldn't hardly hear him, I was afraid, afraid, afraid. I wanted to scream but I couldn't find a way to do so.

"Don't act so hurt, I did it for you, baby. I did it because I love you and they were hurting you, just like everyone else in this damn school," he hissed.

"JD this isn't right-" I argued urgently.

"Don't you SEE, (y/n)? Kurt and Ram were only hurting you. You hated Ram." He insisted with a new fire in his eyes. One I didn't like.

"Jason, there's a difference between disliking someone and... and wishing them dead! You're... you're a monster," I yelled, but it faded out into a quiet mutter. My eyes were wider than the sun and I felt my whole wold come crashing down on me. I was afraid of my former friend, the kid who had a crush on me. The kid who committed murder.

"You can't call me a monster if I did it for you," He sneered, taking a step closer so that he could touch me if he wanted. My stomach dropped, as if filled with lead.

"I hate you, JD," I said, trying to stay strong.

"Don't say that, baby. I know Heather's putting you up to that. Don't worry, we can kill her too! And then Veronica and Heather McNamara, since they're only getting in the way. Then we'll be alone together and we can run away! (y/n), I know deep down you love me!" He nearly screamed.

"You'd think you'd be smart enough to not yell your murder plans in public," I sassed, backing up. Then I saw his hand slowly reach into his pocket and pull out something out, something dark silver and metal.

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