Chapter Ten

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(y/n)'s POV

I could feel Chandler's tension from my seat across from her, squeezed in our booth. Every so often she'd glare off in the direction behind me, which was ironic because Veronica, next to her, was giving a love-struck grin the in the same direction. Seemingly at the exact same person.

"Ms. LeVane's class sucks. She gave me a whole page of homework. It took $10 to get some nerd to do it!" Duke whined. McNamara and I were the only ones listening, Ronnie and Chandler were both just staring, not even pretending to be mentally present.

Which was good, seeing as they were not great actors.

"Yeah, no wonder she's not married yet. She's old and a bad educator." McNamara commented, giving Duke her full attention.

"Yeah, I hardly even get B's and I'm getting an F in her class. So is everyone else. Seriously, if she could even pretend to be decent at her job it would be fantastic." I added. The three of us often were the ones actually conversing, so you get used to this crap.

Heather Chandler's POV

That stupid goth was checking out (y/n). I can hear her talking but I was distracted glaring over at his dumb table with his dumb face. Couldn't he just buzz off? He was occupying himself with reading, but glancing up to give smug looks fairly often. Did he think he deserved her? As if!

I gave an icy cold grin and got to listening to the three girls chatting about some teacher. Maybe that would make him angry. I could talk to her, but you couldn't, bud.

"Excuse you, I earned my almost straight A's!" (y/n) laughed. "In case you forgot, I've been a Heather for less than a week." I smiled at her.

"As if anyone remembers. You fit in well." I decided to actually join the conversation. The other three looked shocked before just forgetting it and weaving me in.

"Yeah. I swear, Ms. Fleming will be the death of me. And she's half as bad as fucking Ms. LeVane." Duke vented.

"The staff here suck." (y/n) laughed. Dammit, I hated that laugh because I loved that laugh. It was like a siren was calling out to me and I wanted so desperately to answer.

"I wish the students picked the teachers." I added. I heard a chorus of small agreements. Veronica suddenly got up next to me.

"I'm gonna go talk to someone." She stated, walking away. Well that was cryptic. But then she stumbled to the trench coat kid. She was genuinely going to talk to him? After I dismissed him? And he was clearly looking at (y/n)? This had bad idea written all over it.

"Is she going to talk to the new kid?"

"Of course-"

"Shut up Heather!"

"Sorry Heather..." What interesting conversations we had.

(y/n)'s POV

So... that just happened. What had Chandler so tense? I hadn't seen her snap at Duke in ages, granted she was being rude but still, she doesn't do her "Shut up Heather!" very often.

My thinking was cut off when Chandler got up and motioned for us to follow. We all awkwardly got up after being cramped together, and followed her lead. Instead of our typical slow strut, she speed-walked. I could hardly keep up, and I made it just in time for her to begin speaking. As I suspected, we had stopped in from of the table seating the chatty emo kid and Ronnie.

"Ronnie, why exactly are you throwing your panties at the new kid?" Chandler sounded cold and icy, and holy fuck I was glad I wasn't on the receiving end of her shit.

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