The Crowning

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O N  T H E  I S L E

THE TRUE VILLAINS WATCHED in shock at the young, golden sun haired fae in the horse-drawn carriage with the future king of Auradon.

"Well, If it isn't...

"My daughter. Looking like royalty..." Fiona said simply. She was honestly amazed, for once, her daughter didn't only look like her.

"Like father, like daughter." Fiona heard Maleficent comment. Fiona grabbed her glass and chucked it to Maleficent's way. It missed her, but the action was crystal clear.

"Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing. Evie." Snow White announced on TV. Evil Queen freaked out.

"Evie! That's my dau... Evie!

"Someone named Evie designed her gown."

"That's my daughter!" Evil Queen said excitingly.

"Oh, wow. She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, Fiona's daughter duped a prince, and she's this close to grabbing the magic wand." Maleficent said angrily. Evil Queen smirked.

"Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one." The TV switched to Prince Ben with his parents and Florence.

"It's happening, people! It's happening! I say, gird your loins! Gird your loins! Villains, our revenge begins today."


I N  A U R A D O N

Florence bowed to the soon to be former queen and king of Auradon. She took a deep breath and spoke up. "About the other day, I just..."

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." King Beast said.

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy." Ben recited. Beast looked confused.

"I did? I..." Beast noticed the look Belle gave him. " very wise of me." Belle shakes her head looks towards Ben.

"Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart." Belle said.

"Thanks, mom."

"You're gonna make a fine king." Beast said. The music started. Florence looked around before someone tapped her shoulder. A man held his hand out for Florence to follow him.

"Wish me luck." Ben said to Florence. Florence didn't say anything before being dragged away.

Everyone was in place for the coronation. The whole school, all of Auradon and on the Isle watched the ceremony. Ben walked down towards where Fairy Godmother stood. The crown and wand by her side. Ben finally reached and kneeled down. The king and queen removed the magic wand from its glass case and handed it to Fairy Godmother. She placed the wand over Ben.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked loudly for all to hear.

Florence grew nervous. Everything was going great til the end. She only had a few seconds to make her mind up. Take the wand or not?


Maleficent sat impatiently looking at the TV. "Oh, grab the thing already!"

Fiona watched the TV and drank. She still couldn't get the imagine of her daughter as a princess. She hated it.

Something Wicked This Fae Comes~ PRINCE BENWhere stories live. Discover now