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12 · 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘶𝘵

aka when errything goes to shit

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He learned the truth one night when Thea was so drunk that she could barely stand without crumpling to the ground and bawling her eyes out. She must have been on her eighth drink during that night (not including a few shots like usual), because that was definitely when she would forget what she said the next day.

The Filipino girl had remained tearful while curled into a ball on Josh's floor, rocking herself and wiping her nose while snot ran down. He continuously gave her tissues which she balled up and threw into the trashcan without use.

"She's so mean," she had whispered.

"Excuse me?"" he said in curiosity.

"Lilian. I'm so scared when I talk to her that I'm-I'm gonna say the wrong thing. And then she won't talk to me. And I'll be scared that she'll spread nasty things about me and get people to turn on me and I can't take it any-"

Josh grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her close to him so that they were a mere few inches apart. He could smell the cheap liquor in her breath mixed with the heavy cherry scent of her lip gloss as he moved closer to her face. "Calm down, Thea. You're okay."

"Am I?" she whispered, her bottom lip trembling. "Because she judges me for what I wear, and she always has the better connection to people, and I'm afraid I'm not good enough to be friends with her, and that's why if I say something wrong she'll get mad."

"She's not going to do that," he reassured her.

"You don't even know her."

He cast a glance to the side. Well, true, he didn't know Lilian well. "I'm sure that if she were a true friend to you, she would be more understanding. If she were really your friend, you would be comfortable enough to be honest with her about certain opinions."

Thea sniffled, "But if I go against what she thinks, she gets mad and defensive and doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day."

"She doesn't sound like much of a friend," Josh pointed out.

She nodded and shrugged. "You're-you're right, but we go way back, I can't just- what if she does something terrible?"

"She wouldn't. If she cared, she would be smart not to do anything that would hurt you, at least intentionally," he explained.

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