Chapter - 17

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"What's wrong with you?", she asked in anger. "What?", I asked. "What?", she imitated. "Where did that 'best presidents' award' came from", she shot a question and threw her hands in air. I smiled and gently tapped my forehead with my index finger. "Shut up", she snapped. "Just go to ma'am and ask about cancelling this plan", she ordered. "And what if I don't?", I playfully asked moving towards her. She didn't reply, just started at me with her anger filled eyes. "Go to hell, I'm not going to be a part of that shit. You better participate alone", she said and turned around to leave. I stopped her by holding her upper arm and pulled her towards me. "What's wrong with you, why are you behaving like this? It's not that big deal", I asked in anger. "It is Darshan!", she shouted and tried to release her hand from my grip, but I tightened it a bit. "Leave me Darshan, you're hurting me", she said in annoyance and I realised that I was way too tight. "Don't you dare touch me again. Just stay away from me", she snapped and went away. I stood there and watched her go away. My heart broke, I didn't know what I did that made her so angry. I tried to cancel the best presidents' competition, but I was late, the list had already gone to the principal and he had approved it and the practices were to get started from next week.
I had started avoiding looking towards Aaruhi and met her as less as possible, but that day, we had to dance together. Our practices had started and a choreographer had come to teach us dance. "So what do you guys think, Salsa?", he asked. "That will suit on both of you. You'll kill it together", his assistant added. "Umm... I think salsa is common. Everyone will try that, I think we should do something like Hip Hop, and not a couple dance", I flatly said while I always wanted to do couple dance with Aaruhi but after what happened outside the office, I just couldn't and forget about dancing, I wasn't even able to maintain a proper eye contact with her. "Okay, Aaruhi what do you think?", the choreographer asked. "No, I want to do Salsa, it will be amazing", she replied, I sighed and rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Darshan?", he asked and it took me a moment to say "Okay". "Okay then, we'll show you and you guys copy us", he said.

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