Bonus 2

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It was my first day of 6th grade and being the shy kid I was, I hadn't really made friends in elementary. Leaving me to be alone in middle school. So first day and as I watched kids meeting up with their friends I was doing my best to get the courage to ask a teacher in the hall where the library was.

I looked around but couldn't find a teacher, I guess middle school doesn't have teachers in the halls telling them to get to class.

As I shyly looked around for some adult, my oh so graceful self runs into another human being.

Looking up at the person, I gulp in fear, and embarrassment. My first encounter with another human being, and much to my dismay, a human student.

Now, I am fully aware that I'm also a human being who is a human student but I have very well embraced and internalised the fact that I am a completely awkward person with not very good social skills. And in this current situation, it is the very rational fear of every awkward person in the world and in my head all I could think about was, "oh fish sticks. I made physical unwanted contact with another person."

Of course being the sophisticated 11 year, I do not curse.

The kid had turned around, and right off the bat knew this kid was an upperclassman. How do I know that you might ask? Because people release a kind of vibe with how they present themselves. Also because his uniform indicated his grade.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I was trying to find the library." said my oh so confident voice.

I'm being sarcastic.

The kid looked me over and nodded. "That's fine, just be a little more cautious. I can take you to the library. I'm heading there myself."

"A-Alright, if it's no trouble. Thank you" I said and followed him.

"I'm Lukas Bondevik, you can call me Lukas, you're a freshman right? What's your name?"

"I'm y/n, and yeah, I'm a freshie. Sorry if I'm bothering you but libraries seem less awkward than standing in a hall by myself." I fidget with the sleeve of my sweater while speaking. Just a habit of mine but better than biting my nails.

"No, it' fine. You don't seem annoying so I don't mind. I'll give you my phone number and you can call or text me if you need help."

I smiled and nodded. Once we got to the library he decided to give me a tour of the sections so I could familiarize myself with the how the books are organized. And when that was over he walked me to my first class and all my other classes.

That was the start of my first friendship. My best friend Lukas.

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