7 Sins + 7 Sins 2

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(Crush And OC are dating already.)

We all know the seven deadly sins.

Now, what happens when (OC) and (Crush) start taking the traits of one of these sins? They are infected by the sin by a demon, and are completely dominated by this sin, seeming to become a human form of said sin. They don't change completely, their personalities mostly staying the same, along with their appearance.
For example, if (OC) takes on the sin of Lust, they are still the same person, just incredibly lustful and want sex constantly. Or maybe they start sleeping with other people, but they're the same person none the less. Or with Gluttony, they're the same person, just obsessed with food, eating constantly and resulting in a gain of weight.
The question, is how do they both react to the other's sin? Do they enjoy this new side of of their significant other, or do they absolutely hate it?

(For example, if they like it it might be because they too have a similar inner sin, like having a love and need for sex, so they enjoy having (OC) similar, or they enjoy having a less active significant other, etc.)

Tell me what sin OC and Crush have, and how They react to the other. (: I'll do the same.

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