Pampered + Chubby 2

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When OC ends up in an accident, Crush immediately takes it a whole mile farther. OC's little accident wasn't anything, no broken bones, no permanent damage, just a small injury. However, Crush immediately begins to worry about how they could end up in another accident.
Soon, they decide it would just be better if OC didn't do the things that could get them hurt. Crush soon decides anything could get them hurt, and demands that they stay laying or sitting down, preferably on the couch, bed, or them.
OC doesn't like it, wanting to do things. However, Crush very quickly asserts that they don't have a choice, going to some... extents... to get them to listen.
Soon enough, OC has no choice but to listen to Crush. Crush threatens to leave them, or hurt them if they don't. Crush doesn't want them getting hurt, unless it being from their own accord.

Crush takes care of OC completely, bringing them food, water, carrying them to the bathroom when needed, and even going as far as bathing with them. No more showers.

Obviously, with not being allowed to move, this can result in some changes, since they can't do things they want anymore. So, you can pick some things that might change. Some examples:
More body hair
Weight loss
Weight gain
Muscle deteriorating
Longer hair
Facial hair
Longer nails
Breaking out (acne)
And anything you really want (: or nothing! You can decide.

For My OC however, I'm going to have her be a lot weaker due to her muscles deteriorating, have her put on a good chunk of weight, and some more body hair since she can't shave as often or at all.

However, with the stress of things and how much Crush is worrying, they use food as a way of coping. The stress isn't much, but they're constantly worried about OC. This results in them gaining weight. They put on ____ lbs/kgs/stone. You pick how much they put on.

With Crush's weight, you can pick how OC reacts to it (: some examples are

Love Crush's new weight; Loves to rub their stomach and touch their Chub and just absolutely loves their weight.
Likes Crush's new weight; Thinks they it's cute but doesn't touch it very much but makes sure Crush knows they like it constantly.
Doesn't care; Doesn't really care about their new weight, but assures that they don't mind it when Crush gets upset.
Dislikes it; Doesn't really like Crush's new weight and admits to it but doesn't force anything.
Hates it; refuses to touch Crush until they lose it, being rude and cruel.
Helps Crush gain more; absolutely loves Crush's weight and likes them with the extra weight, helping them gain more.
Helps Crush lose it; Doesn't really mind and helps Crush lose it.

You can also pick how you'd like Crush to react to the new weight. Examples:
They want to gain more
They want to lose it
They love their weight
They hate their weight
They don't care

I'll have my OC love Token's new weight. He's put on over 35 pounds, closer to the 40s. My OC adores it and Token does as well, as long as it makes OC happy. He keeps the weight, even going as far as putting on more.

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