No One Else

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Crush and OC have been dating for a while now. They both care about each other very much, and are in love. However, there's something that has become very prominent in their relationship. Crush's obsession.
Crush refuses to let OC speak to other people and becomes more and more restrictive with them. They stop letting them go out, and don't let them work in partners in class unless it's with them, and etc.
Soon enough it escalates, and when OC even looks at another person, even if it was just because of normal things, they snapped. They immediately took OC to their house, and did the unthinkable. They hurt them.
This became a new thing. OC had to completely isolate themselves, because if they didn't, they would get hurt.
OC won't leave, because they love Crush.
And Crush is psychotic, but won't let OC leave.

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