Gone + Chubby

41 0 63

Aged up.

Crush and OC had gotten married. They lived together, and were happy. Crush worked a busy job, coming home from 6-12. There was no guarantee. So, when Crush didn't come home one night, OC guessed it was just a busy shift. So, they went to bed. When the next morning came and OC expected to see Crush, they were disappointed. Crush hadn't come home the night before. Or the night after, or the night after.
3 months went by, and OC still stayed at the house. After all, it was in both of their names. OC silently hoped every night that Crush would come back. Until, one night. The door opened the Crush walked in, but different. They were completely different. What does OC do?

You can choose how Crush has changed. You can make them abusive, or nicer, or meaner, or really done up, and completely let go. It's up to you. (: and you need a small backstory as to why they left. It can be simple like, 'chose to leave.' Or 'felt unneeded.'

For me, I'm going to have it so Crush left because he just gave up. He thought OC didn't need him and just quit. When he returns, he's an alcoholic and a lot meaner, has completely let himself go. and has become a Bit of an abusive man.

While Crush was away, OC had began to stress eat, needing some sort of comfort. This, obviously, resulted in a weight gain from them. They weren't fat or overweight, simply chubby.

tell me how Crush reacts, and how much OC gained. (:

For me, I'll have Crush be really rude about it. They criticize OC, calling Her names, and just being cruel about it. However, Crush actually really likes it and forces OC to gain more, despite their harsh words.

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