Chapter 1 : Is This What Love Feels Like?

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When different aspects of love are being expressed and can't be comprehended there will be complications and also there will be confusion because they can't express how they feel. Heartbreaks construct the worst feeling.. People love harder than others and its completely understandable. Although when you take advantage of that love that's being given.. that warm and loving heart can transform into a frigid and icy hole. Never take love for granted especially if you know that person is all for you. You will eventually feel their pain. Passion and belief keeps love in a stable state. belief may cause delusion but in some cases.. that delusion may keep one strong and their passion grows exponentially but that delusion can be broken and constructed into a new system which can benefit their emotional state. 

*Crowd Of People*" Roman!! ... "you have no future", your worthless, you will never achieve nothing in life" "Your parents should have killed you when they had the chance!" "Just Get out of here."

Roman- Shut Up! Leave me alone! I will accomplish everything and anything i want! YOU ALL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! 

Roman runs away from the crowd with tears rolling down his face. He goes to his favorite hideout in the woods. He sits behind the tree and cries his heart out. It begins to rain but he isn't affected. His tears begin to mix with the rain and he starts to punch the tree.. Roman's been punching the tree for 15 minutes.. His knuckles are covered in bruises and cuts and are dripping in blood. Every punch is being released with every insult he's received.  From his teachers, to his friends, to his own family. He finally lets out one final agonizing scream from all the pain he'es endured and put himself through. He lets out a soft statement.. 

Roman- Why doesn't anyone like me? What did i do wrong?

He lies back and falls asleep in the rain. the sensation of the rain drops hitting his body soothes his depression and anger. he starts to smile but it quickly turns back into a slow frown then back into tears. Someone walks up and notices Roman sound asleep.

Stranger- Why are you sleeping in the rain Man? Come on, get up. 

Roman- Why are you helping me? 

Stranger- Its raining and you can get sick. Come on. Whats your name? 

Roman- My Names Roman. Whats your's?

Stranger- My Names Garrett. 

Roman and Garrett walk to the car and Garrett drives to his house. Roman is groggy and starts to feel horrible. He starts sneezing and coughing in which he slowly begins to cry again and Garrett is staring at him with curiosity. They pull up to Garrett's house and his sister was sitting on the porch and Roman thought it was love at first sight. Garrett helped Roman out of the car and Roman tried to walk himself but he was really weak. 

Garrett's sister- Oh My! What happened to him? Is he okay?

Garrett- I Found him asleep in the woods, he was napping and his hands are bruised and cut bad and i just heard screams. I was hesitant at first because i didn't want to be attack by an animal or something but i decided to check out what was going on. Luckily it wasn't an animal nearby or attacking him when I arrived. He seemed like he needed some help. Can you take him the house and try to get him stable?

Garrett's sister- Sure. Run to the store and get some tea and get something to put on his stomach. who knows how long he was out there.

Roman looks at Garrett's sister and asks weakly "Whats your name? Why are you helping me?" 

Garrett's sister- My name is Kristen and me and my brother have big hearts for people in need because it was once before where we didn't have people to help us. Witnessing someone in need and us helping has sort of become instinct. 

Roman- I.. I don't know how to thank you.. 

Kristen- As long as you get better and heal from what you're going through.. that can be your thanks to me. 

Roman was slowly falling deeper and deeper for Kristen.. It was like love at first sight. Her beautiful blue eyes and black hair.. Her beautiful smile and soft voice. Roman never felt this way about anyone because people normally neglect his presence and friendship. He never really had friends except for one but they lost touch because of their family having differences and they've fell off since. Roman and his best friend kept little necklaces with charms. Roman has kept that necklace ever since their friendship disbanded. Kristen took  Roman's jacket off and she acknowledged the necklace.. She was staring at it as if she knew exactly what it meant.. She helped Roman relax and she started to run the shower water. Roman couldn't stop staring at her as she was gathering clothes and a towel for him. 

Roman- Kristen?

Kristen- Yeah?

Roman- How do you know when you're attracted to someone?

Kristen-  It all depends on what you admire. whether physical attraction or something more.. what you find attractive and intriguing makes you want that person. 

Roman-*Smiles from blushing* Well do you think I'm attractive?

Kristen- Umm.. *Laughs nervously* Lets focus on getting you in the shower and clothed.. 

Roman goes back to a monotonous look in his face as he grabs the towels and clothes and he enters the bathroom. Kristen sits in the living room thinking to herself..

Kristen- (In thought) He's so attractive.. I didn't even know what to say.. I hope he didn't think I curved him.. That necklace.. that's.. Garrett's missing piece.. I hope Garrett forgives me.. 

Kristen gets up and walks to the bathroom and she  walks in without Roman knowing. Kristen sits on the toilet next to the shower and begins to try and speak to Roman. 

Kristen- Are your wounds okay? 

Roman answered Startled- Kristen?! Is that you? .. Yeah my hands are okay. What made you come inside of the bathroom? 

Kristen doesn't answer Roman and she begins to slowly undress herself and she opened the shower curtain.. She steps in and with no hesitation.. she begins to kiss Roman passionately. He closes the shower curtain and wraps his arms around her and brings her close. Roman starts to get aroused by Kristen and she starts to rub up and down his body. 

Kristen whispers in his ear - Go ahead. I've been craving some action for a while.. and you can definitely satisfy my needs.. 

Roman slides inside of Kristen slowly.. Kissing on her neck and rubbing on her body.  He slowly thrusts back and forth as she begins to bite her lips. Kristen begins to moan softly as Roman speeds up. He wraps his hands around her throat and starts to stroke faster. The feeling is too good to be true. Kristen is moaning as loud as she could. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as Roman bites his lip.. 

Roman *In thought* - I've never had this experience before.. it feels so good. what's this feeling I'm getting? I.. I Think I Love her.. 

Kristen - YES! YES! Right there. Don't Stop 

Roman - I Won't.. I Won't.. This feels so good. Whats this feeling.. I think I'm about to- 

Kristen pushes roman out as he cums all over her lower back. - You tried to get me pregnant?!?

Roman - No baby i didn't.. I never did nothing like that before. It just felt so amazing i couldn't stop.. 

Kristen- You're right.. it did feel amazing but Garrett cannot know about this.. You can stay here for another week then you have to get back home.. 

Roman- Oh.. Okay Thank.. Thank You.. 

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