Season 2 Chapter 2: Promises Are Forever

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The sun shines on Roman's face as he wakes up alone on the couch but a note on the table. On the table the note read. " Hey, I went off to work. I Hope you aren't some psycho burglar Lol. I'll be home around 5-6. There's food in the fridge and freezer. If you need me, don't hesitate to call 812-328-5544." 

Roman: Damn, she really must be comfortable or trust me enough to leave me here by myself. Well can't dwell now, I really need to start looking for a job.  Maybe I should give her a call.. Just to see how she's doing.. *Dials and Calls the number* 

Kim : Hello?

Roman : Hey, its me Roman.

Kim : Oh Hi, How are you? Did you sleep well?

Roman : Yes I slept fine, How about you? 

Kim: I haven't had good sleep like that in months. 

Roman : I'm glad I can help. But I have a question. Do you know if anyone is hiring? I'm not struggling but I can't allow myself to be in the house all day with no work. 

Kim: Well i don't mean to sound cheesy but my job is hiring.. What are your skills?

Roman: depends on who's asking.

Kim: *Smiles* Well making me smile is apparently your best skill. but the positions that are hiring at my job are the green house and janitor. Which one sounds more suitable for you?

Roman : Hmm, I could listen to music and mop the floors... but what do I do inside of the green house?

Kim: you basically nurture the Cannabis leaves, pick the leaves, and get rid of any dead or dying leaves. 

Roman: so you telling me you work at a Dispensary?

Kim : Correct.

Roman: that explains why I was so elevated last night. 

Kim: If you enjoyed that last strain wait until you try the one I'm bringing home tonight. its called Mercuries Spell. 

Roman : y'all getting weed from harry potter now? 

Roman and Kim Laugh simultaneously. 

Kim: I wish, that'll be crazy.. every strain gone give you different powers and shit.. what if we had a strain that could make us like super intelligent? or we had like telepathic powers. 

Roman : Yoooo.. Or like it gave us like dimensional vision and we can see into different realms. or like what if It gave us physical boosts. Like super speed, Super strength, shit like that..

Kim: Its funny you mention that.. okay so you remember how I told you I never really had a best friend or a boyfriend? 

Roman : Yeah. 

Kim : So it was mainly because of my father, I sort of have that father that's over protective let alone he has a lot of power. My father is Dr. Bruce Kingsworth. 

Roman : Wait... THE DR. Kingsworth?? The scientist who literally helped cure an entire community of the plague with an airborne cure? 

Kim: Yep, that's my father

Roman : Well that explains as to why you weren't able to have a best friend or boyfriend. 

Kim : Yeah, so the reason i brought my father up is .. well i shouldn't really say this over the phone.. I'd rather tell you when I get home. Are you going to be there when I get back? 

Roman : Yeah, I might be. I might go buy some clothes for the week while I try to find some jobs. 

Kim: would you mind waiting until I get home? I love shopping. we can go on a night shopping spree! 

Roman : might as well, we can enjoy the city at night as well. 

Kim : you read my mind. I get off in another 2 hours. See you then. 

Roman : Alright, See you soon. 

Roman : Dr. Kingsworth daughter huh?... oh man, what have I gotten myself into. I better not fuck anything up with her.. Or Her dad will literally turn me into a test subject. 

Roman walks around the house looking at younger pictures and memories of Kim's childhood. As Roman walks through the house. He comes across this box on the living room entertainment center. He opens the box out of curiosity and it's full of letters from her dad. Letters about failed experiments and successful experiments... although one letter in particular stood out from the rest. This one specific letter was dated 3 days ago.. 

" Hello my loving daughter, I hope you are well. I need you to come by the house in approximately 2 weeks. Me and the other scientists are having airborne test of human life enhancement. A potion if you will that enhances the primitive instinct, thought process, and nature of society today.. We however won't be affected because we're taking a different potion that inevitably gives us supremacy over those civilians. I entrust you will keep everything confidential and preparations will be made in time. I love you sweetie, see you soon. 

Roman : Human Life Enhancement? what could he possibly be trying to do? I can't even spread the word about this.. I don't even know how to approach Kim about this... I'm not even going to risk it.. The last thing I want is to be a guinea pig to her father... 2 weeks from now? Has her father not spread the message yet? 

Roman goes to turn on the television and searches for a news cast that's talking about this unknown project that Dr.Kingsworth was planning.. Unfortunately no one knew about this except Kim, Her Parents, Kingsworth's Employee's and Himself. 2 Hours past and Kim arrives at the house. 

Kim: Roman? 

Roman : Yoo I'm in the kitchen. 

Kim walks to the kitchen and stands and stares at Roman cleaning the dishes with his shirt off. She tries to speak but words couldn't come out as Roman then notices her standing and staring. 

Roman : What? you see a ghost? I got something on my chest?

Kim: No no, your fine, I.. I was just you know thinking bout stuff and you know how daydreams work. 

Kim walks to the room avoiding the awkward moment and looks back at Roman admiring his body.  Kim changes in the room and overhears Roman calling her name. Kim rushes out the room to see what Roman wanted. Roman had the news on and the reporter was talking about the Project Kim's father was starting. 

Kim: Roman turn the TV up. 

TV : All citizens please remove all children from the room from these terrifying images and heart dropping news. As of now we're currently going under city lock down. All exits are being blocked by city officials, grocery stores, retail, and any other buildings of business are shutdown by government officials by Midnight. Dr.Kingsworth and The Mercury Lab In corporations have disclosed a nuclear wave of radiation. Its unfortunate that our city has to go through this procedure but it was passed through. Please stay indoors, cover your vents, and any entry way to your households and remained indoors for the next 72 hours. Police officials and Executives will provide evacuations for the next 12 hours. After those 12 hours of evacuation are complete and citizens left on the streets or attempting to exit you will be captured and used as test subjects. In the event any citizens resist arrest or capture. Any form of Insubordination will be solved with termination. We will keep a current status update on the waves of radiation as well as the side effects of inhaling this nuclear radiation. This radiation wave attacks 3 forms of blood types.. O- , AB+ , B-. Those who are at risk that have these specific blood types will experience.

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