Season 2 Chapter 4: Beastiality Development

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After murdering Nathan, Roman lets out a blood curdling howl that fills the woods and makes the tree bark peel. The blood covered his shirt and pants as well as the surrounding bushes. The thought of killing a man.. the cannibalistic.. beast-like action..

Roman : What does this make me?... I didn't want to be like this.. 

Roman looked at his hands and fell to his knees.. In agony emotionally being unable to control himself. Oblivious to his surroundings, Kelly slowly grabbed a branch as thick as a 2 x 4 piece of wood and slowly crept behind Roman. She takes a deep and breath and exhales. Roman's sharp sense of hearing caught the exhale and his instincts tensed his body up and he turned around swiftly. As Roman turned around she hit Roman across the face with the branch and ran away the second the branch hit the floor. Kelly ran fast as she could. Groggy and stumbling Roman chases after her. Kelly hit every corner on the trail she could find. Her paranoia and anxiety filled the air with a scent of fear.. Roman was able to track her every move. Kelly tripped and fell into a puddle of mud and leaves. The mud covered her scent of fear and she slowly crawled behind a tree and tried to catch her breath. Roman slowly walked towards her direction and she heard every menacing footstep. The twigs and branches snapping and the squish of his heavy footsteps filled her heart with fear as he got closer and closer. Roman got down to all fours to smell the ground to pick up on her scent. As he slowly crawled trying to pick up her scent. Kelly quietly grabbed a nearby rock and threw it further from her location. Roman quickly rose up and looked towards the direction of the rock and slowly walked towards the sound. Kelly listened as the footsteps got softer and softer as she let out a deep breath.. The footsteps stopped and she heard Roman run back to her direction.. Roman stood along side the tree she was hiding behind. Her heart felt as if it dropped to her stomach and she began to quietly hyperventilate. Roman turned and gazed into her eyes with nothing but blood lust. She slowly crawled back in fear before she let out and gut curdling scream as roman took one fierce swipe across her torso. Blood dripping to the ground as she began to cry and scream for help.. Roman grabbed Kelly by the throat and held her against a tree and prepared to take one final swipe until he heard a jeep approaching and the lines shunned upon them.. Roman threw Kelly to the ground and fled swiftly. 

Screw : Dr.... Did you see that? that didn't look like the beast we have at the lab.. the physique, the.. the.. 

Dr. Kingsworth: Screw. that wasn't just no regular varcolac or urs... I can't believe it.. he was right.. 


: Now listen and i need you to listen carefully. The family of the Kingsworth is a strong and dominant family of Varcolacs. The royalty of our family runs through your blood my son. There will be a time in which I won't be here anymore and YOU will be the one to continue my legacy. 

Young Dr.Kingsworth: But... GrandFather how will I -

: Don't worry my son.. Everything you need to know will be disclosed overtime but for now we must remain dormant.. the revolution is on the way... We have to be patient for what I have planned shall give our family the power it deserves. When you have a child.. she shall not breed with the low-life scum hybrids.. the end result shall be nothing but destruction. An Abomination. That beast... killed your grandmother.. only I.. and your uncles were able to subdue the beast.. if that beast were to be created again but it were more than one.. the royal family of Kingsworth may cease to exist. 

Young Dr.KIngsworth: No... I won't allow them to take my family.. They shall be killed, MURDERED, DESTROYED! 

: that's my boy... come.. 

The Grandfather grabbed a knife and slowly cut open his finger and said to the young Dr.Kingsworth : this is a hypno-genetic transplant.. only to be preformed in which the legacy of you shall be passed to another.. Only pass this procedure on to someone who burns with agony and revenge.. The high stake of emotion will alter the hypno effect in which the soul you carry will be placed within that person and then your soul from there on. think of it as like a game of tag (Chuckles slightly) 

Young Dr.Kingsworth: Yes grandfather ( Grabs the knife and slowly cuts open his hand) 

The Grandfather places his finger on the wound of his grandson and smiles. 

: You've done well.. I should've expected better loyalty from you rather than your father.. 

Young Dr.Kingsworth: My.. my father? What ever happened to my father grand dad? 

: He.. He wasn't fond of this procedure, In which we call this disloyalty and insubordination.. which is extremely bad within our family.. In which your father.... had to leave the family and no one has seen him since. I didn't want that to happen to you my favorite son.. I want the best for you.. I Love you (Holding both hands against the grand son's face) 

Young Dr.Kingsworth : I love you too grandfather... (Voice echoes) 


Screw : Dr? .. Dr? 

Dr.Kingsworth snapped out of his day-dream and quickly glanced at the woman.. 

Dr.Kingsworth: You.. You aren't one of those beasts are you? 

Kelly: What? Are you fucking kidding me? I Just watched my husband get murdered by that .. that.. THING. and the first thing you ask me is if I'm one of them? 

Screw: she's quite upset isn't she Dr?

Kelly: You wanna see upset you ugly fuck? I'll fucking show you upset. 

Dr.Kingsworth: Alright.. there's no need for aggression.. i understand you just lost the love of your life.. but using your aggression against us isn't going to make things any better. Now why don't you sit back and listen before we drop you back off in the woods and we'll let that Beast show what upset really means.. You wouldn't like that would you?

Kelly heart drops as Dr.Kingsworth's calm words sliced through her gut and heart like a blade. such trembling words coming from a calm tone.. Kelly felt nothing but a fearful aura and vibe from Dr.Kingsworth. 

Dr.Kingsworth: now .. it's my understanding that you're not aware of whats currently going on? 

Kelly: Umm.. no what.. whats going on? 

Dr.Kingsworth: War my darling... 

Kelly: War? 

Dr.Kingsworth: Yes.. Varcolacs and Urs have risen once again.

Kelly: Oh not that old myth again... Those imaginary creatures haven't been brought up for the past 100 years. Don't give me that mythical bullshit. That was a big ass fucking wolf. 

Screw: Impudent women... Typical 

Kelly: Excuse Me?

Dr.Kingsworth : Screw, I strongly advise you stop provoking this woman's anger before I murder the both of you. 

Screw: yes doctor, my apologies.. 

Kelly: where the hell are you taking me? 

Dr.Kingsworth : .. you ask so many questions darling, what did you say was your name? 

Kelly: my name is Kelly... Where are you taking me? 

Dr.Kingsworth: Kelly, I don't have the patience nor the energy to explain to you my family, the history, the war, or to inform you on the beasts within us and the ones in which you've witnessed.. 

Kelly's subconscious : ( beast within us..??) 

Dr.Kingsworth: But darling, I will tell you since you're still immune to the radioactive wave that was distributed through lymonia.. you are one of the lucky few to not be affected. But.. you won't be set freely. You have a choice dear. 


Dr.Kingsworth lunges over to Kelly's seat placing his hand around her throat choking her furiously. His voice gets deeper and his eyes turn pitch black. 

Dr.Kingsworth: You listen to me mortal, I will not sit here and listen to you bitch and complain and question my authority. now you will have a decision to follow my commands or i'll murder you where you stand! I have low patience and I will not hesitate to slice your throat and devour every ounce of blood within your body. I see the rage and the hate in your eyes from that beast killing your husband and I want to assist you in extracting your revenge.. 

Kelly : *tears running down her face* (Speaking softly through her throat being pressurized) O..O...Okay Dr.. Just.. Please let me go. 

Dr.Kingsworth lets go of Kelly and relaxes back in the car. Screw chuckles as Kelly wiped the tears from her face and began to regulate her breathing. Dr.Kingsworth offers Kelly a drink to restart the first impression and to relax her from all she's been through. Kelly sips the drink and drops her glass as Dr.Kingsworth and her vision began to blur as she tried to shake out of it as she slowly faints. 

Dr.Kingsworth: She's a strong one. maybe she'll be useful.. what do you think screw? 

Screw: She's fiesty, i'll give her that. the concoction isn't having negative side effects. 

Dr.Kingsworth: Oh that was just something to put her to sleep. Here is the injection. Although when she wakes up. I'll you have to explain and handle her frustration and curiosity. 

Screw: Why do i have to do it? 

Dr.Kingsworth: Are you questioning me? 

Screw: N-No Dr... 

Dr.Kingsworth: I would've had one of the other scientists do it but you have the most knowledge and I entrust you more than anyone. I believe you can handle this. 

Dr.Kingsworth injects Kelly with the serum and slices her finger. Injecting his blood within her. 

Screw: You're not doing what I think you are?!?  What about Kim? 

Dr.Kingsworth: I'm sure she'll be fine.. She's too kind. I need someone under me with her kind of ferocity. She will do my bidding with this transplant. Take her to the lab and place her under restraints. We don't need any escape attempts for the night. We have a lot to cover tomorrow. 

The jeep arrives to the lab hours later and Screw carries Kelly to the lab's bed-room unit. Screw lies her down and notices the hair color change. Kelly's hair changed from a Blonde to a mix between Black and Red. Which struck fear within his mind.. That kind of coloration has never occurred before. He hand cuffed her to the bed and collected a sample of her blood. 

Screw: I don't know what the doctor did... but I'll take this... and find out what you are. 

Screw caresses her face as he glanced at all of her features and slowly licked her face.. Kelly's body reacted faster to the serum quicker than Dr.Kingsworth anticipated... Screw rose up from her body.. almost as if she was lifeless the way her head moved as he continued to kiss all over her.  

Screw: such a beautiful woman... I will have you when the time is right.. and when the time is right.. There will be no light.. the only light will be the love in which my heart will shine bright... what was her name?.... Kelly.. Kelly.. ( Screw walks out of the bedroom unit and heads towards the lab with a smile on his face) 

Screw: She will... Be Mine.. 

Dr.Kingsworth opens his office and takes a seat in his chair and looks up at the ceiling. Relapsing on the conversation of him and his grandfather. He stands up and opens the window to the night time sky slowly fading.. Smoke and fire from the city began to fill the woods. crows and birds falling from the sky from the toxicity in the air.. 

Dr.Kingsworth : After tomorrow.. your dreams, your purpose, your goal... everything will be complete Grand Father.. Are.. Are you proud of me.. 

Dr.Kingsworth gazes at the sight of the healed cut.. (Closes his eyes) : Please.. Be Proud Of Me.. 

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