Season 2 : Chapter 3 - The descendant of King Luciano Varcour

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Dr. Kingsworth : Finally.. everything I've ever wanted is in my grasp... All in the press of a button. Screw! is everything ready for launch? 

Screw: Yes Doctor.. but this kind of nuclear wave will not only effect us but to those with O and B negative blood types. AB+ would just be an atrocity. Both blood types A and B+ would not only create a hybrid. it would be the end of varcolacs. What do you plan to do with citizens that aren't O and B- or AB+ ? 

Dr. Kingsworth: Simple, they either comply for testing purposes or they will be terminated. 

Screw:  but- 

Dr. Kingsworth: There won't be any exceptions. My eldest grandfather Luciano Varcour left me notes and instructions to continue this same legacy. Time and time again he's attempted to make this experiment possible. The numerous failed experiments, the corrupted test subjects, and the amount of time spent on the experiment all went to these practices and Now's the time where I make his dream become a reality. Now is the time for evolution on these pathetic wastes of human life. The physical enhancement.. I can create an army, a Faction of my own kind of people. Varcolac and Urs. 

Screw : I hope you're right ( gives a small smirk of disbelief) 

Screw prepares the nuclear wave launch and all faculty and Dr.Kingsworth himself inject themselves with the serum. 

Dr.Kingsworth : This serum you'll are going to inject yourselves with grants you immunity from the physical and blood cell altering changes this nuclear wave may project. Some may have fatal responses to the serum and some may not. It will be your choice to take the risk of injection. 

Most of the scientists take the serum with no hesitation but some were refusing to take the serum in hope there will be another solution.  
Dr.Kingsworth ordered all scientists who refused to take the serum to be stripped of all credentials and kicked out of the facility. 

Scientist #2 : BUT SIR, THIS SERUM CONTAINS Bilateral Cell Dysfunction. If this serum doesn't correspond with your blood type. You will literally turn into nothing but monstrosity. Non responsive to commands or have any control of your actions. 

Dr.Kingsworth : Precisely, if you have any issue with these commands by all means your more than welcome to leave. Most of the other scientists took the serum with no issue but you have an issue? Well maybe I wasn't adamant enough. Allow me to provide an example. 

Dr.Kingsworth had the scientist escorted out of the lab and into a containment room. Screw flipped the switch and yellow fumes filled the room. The scientists used his labcoat to cover his nose from breathing in the radioactive fumes. The fumes became too strong and the radiation seeped into the scientists system. The scientist screamed in agony as he slowly ripped his shirt apart. His body slowly changed color from a light brown color to pitch black. His muscles began to disform and tear themselves apart as his structure devolved into all fours. His spine began to snap and crack as the bones began to stick through his skin. His eyes began to change from brown to a red. His screams of agony turned into a deep and animalistic roar. His canine teeth began to grow and sharpen. The blood drips and falls from his mouth onto the floor. The exposure from the fumes changed the blood to black as the floor began to spot. The room then grew silent and the scientist didn't make any sudden movements. 

Dr.Kingsworth speaks on the intercom * Ești gata copilul meu, ucide pentru mine * 

The beast lunged at the door but was knocked back because of the strength of the security door. The beast began clawing at the door and at the walls attempting to escape. The beast then looked at the camera located inside of the room and destroyed it as he growled with aggression. 

Dr.Kingsworth: Is there any more refusals to taking this serum? 

Scientist #3 : I'm not taking that shit! I'll leave the building myself. But you will not inject me with any serum or place me inside any room that releases that toxic ass aroma. 

Dr.Kingsworth : Ah, no worries. I have something special planned for you. 

The doctor instructed security to remove him and place him inside of the room with the beast. 


The scientist struggles and fights the security until he was handcuffed and beaten to where he couldn't fight back anymore.  The two security guards dragged the beaten and bloody scientist to the containment room. Security left the body in front of the door and began the containment level shut down.  

Dr.kingsworth : Full screen and broadcast Screw I want the entire city to be an eye witness as to what would happen if they don't comply with my commands. 

Screw hacks and interrupts the news channel broadcast and switches to the lab camera. 

Dr.Kingsworth : Dear citizens as you all know I am releasing this nuclear project for human evolution. The following broadcast will be an example of failure to comply and will be handled as such. Screw will you please broadcast the footage. 

Screw switches to the broadcast and releases the restraints on the door. The scientist regains consciousness and realizes where he is and begins to scream for mercy. 


The beast slowly walks out the room with black blood dripping from his mouth. The beast stands up from all fours. and lunges towards the scientist and begins to slash away at the scientists face and chest. the screams of agony and pain fills the room as the blood splatters on the walls around them. The beast grabs the shoulders of the scientist and widen its jaws and bites half of the skull off of the scientists head. The scientist body began to shake but became lifeless within a matter of seconds. The crunch and snapping of the bones made most of the scientists sick and shudder with fear and disgust. One of the scientist threw up from the sight of watching one of the scientist get eaten. The beast grabbed the body and began to thrash it across the room numerous times. The beast then grabbed the body and slowly ripped the torso in half. The beast slowly turns to the camera and throws the heart of the scientist at the camera and the footage cuts out. 

Silence grew through the lab and throughout the streets of Lymonia. the gigantic screen broadcasting the live murder of one of the scientists. The people watched in shock and awe as fear and panic began to fill the streets before the alarm went off. 

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Roman slowly wakes up with burns and cuts all over his body but they begin to slowly heal as he stood to his feet. His shirt and pants were burnt and ripped from top to bottom. He slowly stumbles through the forest. His head pounding and filled with nausea. Roman looks up at the sky and glances at the moon and the night sky.  Adrenaline and pain ran through his body as his muscles began to slowly expand and spasm. Muscle growth ran from his back to his shoulders to his arms. His spinal cord harden and became visible through his skin. His eyes turned to a glistening silver and black. His fingers grew and became hairy. His body became more hairy as he began to yell in agony. Blood began to drip from his mouth as his canine teeth grew 3 times their regular size. 

Roman quickly heard rustling coming from behind him and disappeared into the night.. he slowly walked to the lake and looked at his reflection and fear automatically filled his heart and mind.... He didn't recognize himself.. He yelled for help all through the night.. Two people answered his cry for help.. They came out with face masks and weapons.. The man spotted Roman in his transformed state and froze in fear and let out a yell. 

The Man : OH FUCK! 

Roman turns and looks towards the man's direction and a sudden crave for blood filled Roman's mind.. He began to slowly walk in his direction in a predatory fashion.. The man stood frozen desperately wanting to cry for help until the woman grabbed him and began to run.. Roman looked at the ground and back towards their direction and began to chase after them running as fast as he could.. branches snapped.. the cold forest air drained the air from the man and woman... They hid inside the bushes hoping to catch their breath.. 

Woman : What.. The.. Fuck.. Was that?? 

Man : I.. I don't know.. whatever it is.. i hope we lost it.. 

Woman : do you hear or see anything?? 

The man glances around the tree slowly and hears nothing but silence.. the darkness filled the forest making it hard to see anything. 

Man : I don't see it.. I think we're in the clear.  Do you still have your flash light or the knife?... Babe? ..  the man turns around quickly.. 

Roman Stands infront of the man's wife gazing into her eyes as his bloodlust begins to make him drool from the mouth.. The man stands infront of his wife and tells her to run the wife runs away with a face full of tears... Roman recognizes the man.. Its Nathan. 

Roman doesn't hesitate and takes one swipe and creates deep gashes on his face, chest, and abdomen.. Roman licks the blood off of his fingers and loses his last piece of humanity and lunges ontop of Nathan and starts to slowly devour nathan as his yells of agony and pain fill the woods. 

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