Season 2 : Chapter 1 - Beginning Of The End

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Roman walks throughout the day thinking about how Garrett's recovering with his father there. The day turns to night , city traffic begins to die down, and everyone's in the house. Roman walked through downtown in search of a hotel to sleep at. As he was walking to a store to grab some snacks for the night.. He stumbles upon a beautiful woman at the cash register. She looked familiar.. Then he remembered.. its the girl from the hospital. He grabs some bags of chips and some drinks. She picks up her favorite candy as he walks behind her in line. 

Roman: Hey 

Girl : Oh, Hey. How are you? 

Roman : I'm fine now, how about you? 

Girl : I'm alright. I've never seen you around here before? where are you from?

Roman: I've been here since I was a kid. I went to Cullington south east of here. 

Girl: Ohhhh Okay, I'm from the north side. I went to Micheals. The private school.

Roman: Interesting, How did you like it?

Girl: You know how high school is. The Cocky ass sports guys, Bitchy Barbie girls.. I didn't really have friends.. I was the outcast because I wasn't trying to be popular. I could really give a fuck if anyone likes me. 

Roman : sounds like you had it rough, but you pulled through and graduated which is the most important part. 

Girl : Man you don't even know. 

Roman : Well I Could.. If you're willing to spend a night at the lake with me and we can catch up. 

Girl : If you like to smoke then i'm down *Smiling at Roman* 

Roman : Whats your name? 

Girl : My names Kimani, But you can call me Kim for short. whats your name? 

Roman : My name is Roman. 

Kim : Roman? I like that *laughs softly* 

Roman and Kim grab their snacks and begin to walk down the road to the lake.

Kim: I love walking through the city at night, The lights and and scenery is so gorgeous. I love the beauty of the cities skyline when I go to the lake. 

Roman : I never seen the cities skyline before. Let alone have someone take me to go to places. I never had friends myself. I must admit.. The city does look beautiful at night. 

Kim : Even though this place is full of corrupted and evil ass people. The city is a breath taker for night sight seeing. 

Roman and Kim arrive to the lake and find a spot on the rocks to smoke. The humid air and lake breeze felt so beautiful. The moonlight sitting on the water and the open night skies revealing all of the stars. Felt like the perfect night. Kim brings out her bowl and begins to stuff the weed and sparks it. Kim takes a few hits and passes the bowl to Roman. Roman takes a couple hits and begins to cough slightly 

Kim: Ahh baby lungs huh? *Laughs softly* 

*Roman smiles* Its been a while lol 

The atmosphere changed slowly.. Time felt as if it stopped.. Roman scooted close to Kim and grabs his drink. He drinks some and offers some to Kim. Kim thanks Roman and takes a couple sips. 

Kim : So whats your story? 

Roman: Man where do I start? It wasn't all bad when I was young.. I had a best friend named Garrett. He was the only person to become my friend. We did everything together.  I went to the same grammar school, and high school with him.. I was like his big brother you know? Then one night everything changed for the worst. Felt like the world was ending.. we was at a party.. *Roman tenses up a little bit* Me and Garrett got drunk and I blacked out.. All I remember was everyone hating my soul, Garrett was going through a breakdown,and I was clueless.. I lost my best friend and I didn't how.. I can't describe that empty feeling.. The person that I grew up with.. we had necklaces that held our friendship together.. Lost and forgotten... Until one day I was in the woods.. Lost with no hope.. I wanted to die.. endless crying in the rain.. This girl comes to my rescue.. It was my first experience with a girl wanting to help or have anything to do with me. She picked me up and took me to her place.. That's when I met him... After 5 years.. My best friend.... I couldn't believe it. 

Kim : Oh my god... I can't imagine how that felt.. I never had a best friend.. 

Roman: I thought everything was gonna get better when we got reunited but I just felt the hell cloud following behind me.. His sister was attracted to me. I can tell by the way she was looking but i didn't pay any attention.. Until I went to shower. She came into the bathroom, she only had one thing on her mind.. 

Kim: She wanted some dick didn't she? *Laughs a little* 

Roman:  Haha Yeah, Then that's when everything went south.. That's when he told me what really happened at the party.. He tried to seduce and have sex with me and I wasn't going in the direction he wanted I Told him "get the fuck off me, I'm not gay.".. He got traumatized because he didn't know that I was going to react like that..  So he stormed outside the room going through a mental breakdown.. Then he told everyone I tried to rape him.. 

Kim: Oh.. my god.. I can't believe he would do something like that.. That.. I couldn't take that in my heart.. I guess that's why I don't have a best friend or  boyfriend. I'm scared of heartbreaks and heartache's... I can't deal with emotional pain or mental scars... It scares and hurts like hell.. *Takes another couple hits off of the bowl* Guys weren't the suave and romantic men my mother came across. My mother dated this really romantic and enchanting guy who literally lived to make her life heaven... But little did she know. He made my life a living hell. The fights, the arguments, the alcoholic abuse... I was so terrified.. but she wouldn't see what I was going through... How can love blind someone so much from something clearly in front of them? it was like his love entrapped her in a fantasy world where he couldn't do any wrong.. How can you not help your child pleading for help.. *Tears begin to form* He would touch me... Hit me... He to rape me numerous times but I fought back enough for him to stop.. I... I.. 

Roman Hugs Kim and Holds her.. 

Kim: Roman... Please.. Don't Let go... 

Roman : How come you hold me so close? 

Kim: I.. I don't know.. but I like it.. Don't let go *buries her face in Roman's chest* 

Kim: Would you mind keeping me company for tonight? I normally can't sleep on nights like these where i would reminisce on those memories.

Roman : Sure, I don't mind.. Don't really have a stable home anyway. 

Kim and Roman walk along the night road together holding arms. As Roman walks and looks up at the sky.. The slight feeling of relief filled his mind and heart as if all his problems were vanishing. 

Roman : Hey Kim.. you mind if I ask you a question? 

Kim: Shoot 

Roman : Do you believe its possible to know someone before you meet them? 

Kim: What do you mean?

Roman: The night I was losing hope and fell asleep in the woods.. I had a short vision of someone.. and It looked something like you.. from the hair, to the smile, to the voice... but when I snapped back to reality.. the entire person changed.. appearance and all.. I don't know how to explain it.. but I feel like I've known you before.. 

Kim : Oh.. Um.. Wow.. I never heard of that before.. I know I would have like dreams of stuff that would happen later in life and they came true... but I never really had a dream of someone I'd meet in the future.. 

Roman : I didn't mean to weird you out *laughs slightly* But i couldn't hold in the thought anymore. I guess what I'm trying to say is.. Your special. Even though we just met.. In my gut.. I have a different feeling about you. The vibe that i'm feeling is incomparable to anything I've felt previously.. 

Kim smiles and blushes. 

Kim : well look at you Mr.Charming, Making me blush so easily.. I give you points for this. But lets ride things out and hopefully I get to know you and find out where things can lead too. 

Roman: I'm down if you are *smiles at her* 

They stop at the exit of the lake area and Hug each other in the moonlight. The atmosphere was shifting as their connection grew stronger.. Roman and Kim walk back to Kim's house cracking jokes, laughing, and smoking still. The weed not only altered the emotion but the spark and satisfaction of each others presence was enough to keep meaningful smiles on each other's faces.

Kim : Okay *laughing hard* So you telling me that you really came up with the thought of blind people being able to learn sign language? *Laughing harder* How can they see what their saying? 

Roman : Wait What?... Oh shit I forgot about that. *They both laugh extremely hard as they walked up the stairs and into the house* 

Kim : Ehhh make yourself at home bud. 

Roman : Nice place.. I expected something like this.

Kim : Oh so you saw this in your dream? Kidding im teasing *laughs slightly* are you hungry? I was craving some pizza puffs on the way home. 

Roman : hmm sounds like a plan.. I pick the movie? 

Kim: Now your speaking my language. 

Roman and Kim both gave each other high fives and went different directions. 

Kim: *yelling from the kitchen* No Corny Movies Please! Horror or Comedy. 

Roman : Now your speaking my language *Mocking Kim* 

Kim : Ahh Shut up *laughing* 


Kim: Hmm lets see what your taste in movies is like.. *Gasps* ZOMBIES TAKEOVER 3?!?!?! I love this Movie!! How did you know? 

Roman : Its my favorite Trilogy. But 3 holds a special part in my heart. 

Roman and Kim Simultaneously : Because the guy loses his best friend to the zombies and they have to fight to the death! 

Roman and Kim look at eachother smiling and laughing.. 

Roman and Kim Simultaneously : Where have you been?  Jinx!  AH Fuck! *both began to laugh their lungs out* 

Roman : Alright is it me or is this like the perfect night? 

Kim: I couldn't agree more, But you know what would make this better?? 

Roman: Pizza? 

Kim : Puffs *smiles* 

Kim goes to get the pizza puffs and roman gets comfortable on the couch. He smiles as she leaves the room. *Roman In thought* Damn... She.. Is amazing.. 

Roman : Surprise me with the drinks! 

Kim comes back with the plates and a 2 liter of pineapple and mango minute maid. 

Roman : Pineapple Mango?? HOW? Did you know? 

Kim : You'd have to be a psycho to not love this shit. 

Kim and Roman Stuff the bowl and take hits as they began to watch the movie. Stuffing their faces with pizza puffs and drinking from the carton. Kim began to slowly fall asleep as they watched the movie and she rested on his chest. He stared at her as she slowly fell sound asleep. He turned down the movie and rested his head back on the couch.. He for once. Felt like the world couldn't interrupt this moment. All the pain, heartbreak, and despair just slowly left out of his mind as he wrapped his arm around Kim and fell soundly asleep with her. 


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