Chapter 1: Two Friends

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*hey everyone! This is the first time I am actually talking while posting a story. I will do it for this story and a few others in the future. I will not do this for my main series, so I am sorry about that! Anyway, Chapter 1 is a bit short, but the chapters will be longer I promise!*      

          As the worlds were being restored to their former places, one world was on the brink of being completed destroyed. A girl had meet up with a boy. The two of them were fleeing the city and heading towards a ship. However, just as they were about to board it, they were attacked by a person in a black coat! The two of them jumped away from the spell he casted and tried to make it to the ship. The attacked cast a powerful lighting spell around the ship which prevented the two of them from entering it. The boy quickly snapped his fingers and opened many portals around them. The attacker quickly grabs the boys throat as the girl nearly made it to a portal. The girl heard her friend scream, so she quickly summoned a keyblade and cast a powerful light spell at the attacker! He was thrown away from her spell. She ran towards her friend and helped him up.

"Let's get out of here" she said seriously as they ran towards one of the portals.

However, as the two of them entered, the attacker extended his hand to make the portal take the two of them to some other location. As the two friends travelled through the portal, the spell took its affect over the portal. The boy lost his grip on her hand. She reached for him. The two of them were separated from each other.

"Is she ok?" a teenaged girl asked worriedly.

"Let's ask her. Hello? Are you ok?" a teenage boy asked concerned as he gently shook her awake.

The girl slowly opened her eyes to see the expressions of a worried teenage girl and boy. The girl was shorter than the boy and wore a pink dress with a hood on it. There a splash of plaid, black, and white on her dress as well. She had purple eyes with auburn hair. The boy had odd spiky brown hair. He wore a black and red outfit with large shoes. His eyes were a bright blue color.

"I'm ok" she answered them as she dusted her jeans a bit.

"I'm Sora! This is Kairi! Who are you?" Sora asked kindly.

"I'm Nina. Where are we?" she asked curiously as she examined the area around her.

"The Destiny Islands" Sora said happily.

Nina looked around the area and saw how bright this world was. The golden sand was warm while the sea was glowing a bit.

"It's very warm here" Nina said as she stood up and looked around her.

She felt this kind of warmth before though. She wasn't sure where though. Kairi was worried about her. There was something wrong about this girl. Kairi sensed something odd about her.

"Where are you from?" she asked worriedly.

Nina stopped moving and looked scared. Her eyes were with fear. She didn't know! She doesn't remember!

"I don't know..." she admitted, "I can't remember"

Sora felt bad for her. He snapped his fingers and as he ran in front of her.

"We can visit Namine!" Sora suggested.

Kairi was surprised while Nina was amazed.

"Why?" Nina asked.

"Yeah, why Sora? Why should we visit my sister? *" Kairi asked as her eyes narrowed and placed her hand on her hips.

"She needs help! Namine should be able to help us!" Sora said as he summoned Shooting Star.

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