Chapter 17: Six Lights

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(This is the last chapter... What a long journey we've had with this story. I am so grateful I was able to finish it! It was a challenge and fun! As you can tell, I do love this wonderful series, and I will continue to write more stories for it! I hope you all loved this story! I can't wait to write more stories for this series! Thank you all for enjoying this story! See you next time!)

(Ava's POV)

        It is time to stop the Master and his plans once and for all. No one should have to fight in a Keyblade War and see their friends die. No, I will not let this cycle continue anymore.

"So, you did follow me back here, huh, Ava?*" Luxu said with an annoyed smirk.

"I can't let you do this, Luxu. The Master was not right about this!" I said with determination in my voice, "Our time here is over. Let's move on and let this generation of Wielders shape their worlds into something they want!"

"You can't stop me, Ava. You tried that before, remember?* Unless you want to lose another time" Luxu said with a smirk.

"Not this time. The Wielders of now have stopped our allies. What more proof do you want that your plan will not work anymore?" I asked him sadly.

"It was foretold by our Master. He was never wrong" Luxu shouted seriously, "Why would he be wrong now of all times?!*"

"Because Keyblade Wielders have always made their own paths before Luxu. They can do that again" I stated with a smile as I cast a powerful time sleep over him!

"Ava! Why?!" he shouted in disbelief as he froze in place.

"As I have said before, our time is over. Let's move on" I said as I stood behind him and pointed my keyblade at his back.

This is it. Our time is finally over. The rest of the work is up to Sora and the Six Lights.

(3rd's POV)

Sora was standing far away from their fight. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew he had to help her.

"Sora! Don't worry! You can do this!" Nina shouted from a distance.

Sora turned to her friend as he watched her with a confused expression. In the far distance from them, Sarah's keyblade shined as she appeared in a green light and stood behind her blade.

"It is finally our time to stop this pointless fighting once and for all. Six Lights gather and bring this fight to an end!" Sarah said as she picked her keyblade up and pointed it towards Sora.

She sent the green light towards Sora as she grinned at him, "This is the last time I'll ever fight for the Realm of Light, but I am grateful I was at least able to help"

Mary stood in a cavern as she struck her keyblade into the earth to make light blue magic fly out to Sora.

"Regardless of what happens to us, the worlds must be protected. That is all that matters" Mary said with a firm nod as she sent the light blue light to Sora.

Jesa raised her keyblade skyward as a red light crashed down on her.

"It would not be a shame if the Realm of Light vanished. After all, the Realm of Light belongs to everyone and there are some pretty cool worlds out there too. Not everyone is at fault here" Jesa with a smirk on her face.

She then waved her keyblade towards Sora and cast the red light towards Sora. Bobby was standing in a valley as he pointed his keyblade towards Luxu.

"I know for a fact that you would cause nothing but trouble if you continued to roam around in the Realm of Light" Jesa said with a shrug and nodded her head.

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