A Small Bit of Forgiveness is Beautiful

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The seagulls were squawking and I could hear and smell the salty air of the sea breeze.

It was bright, the morning light was streaming through the windows. Trying to move away from the intense light, my body groaned and at the joints of my bones creaked and cracked when I turned over trying to re-position myself. I noticed the twitch of pain in my muscles at some parts.

I think the consequence of having rough sex, a lot of it, in two days is taking its toll. My muscles were speaking and telling me to no more for awhile.

"Excellent, this is going better then I planned..." I heard Devin's voice speaking.

Slowly opening my eyes, I could see the empty spot beside me on the bed. Devin was standing next to the bed, with his cellphone in his ear.

Judging by his damp hair, the towel around his neck, bare chest and jeans, with the top button left opened. I assume he just got out of the shower. Even his skin, glistened with a slight sheen. It is indeed a very pleasurable sight.

He could so pose as a model for a magazine. He had the face and body for it. But I suppose he mainly focused on increasing that intellect of his, which I think is his most sexist attribute. But his sexy self is a definite welcome bonus.

"Right... Yes."

I wonder who was on the other line. But guessing, it sounded like someone from work.

Devin noticed I had awoken, and sat down on the empty side of the bed. He then leaned over to give me a kiss. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered and returned his attention to who ever was on the phone.


I think it would be rude for me to listen on his phone call. It wouldn't even be worth listening too, because I wouldn't understand a thing.

Getting out of bed, I headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my usual morning routine. I also grabbed a new change of clothes, a t-shirt and shorts.

Devin was still on the phone when I was finished. I went to the kitchen, hoping to make something for myself and ease the hunger in my stomach. Yesterday, while buying ingredients for dinner. I also brought some things for breakfast too. I like to eat a freshly made breakfast, especially eggs and bacon.

Walking to the kitchen, I noticed the sleeper couch was pulled out and then I remembered our unexpected visitor from last night, my brother Trevor. He still seemed to be sleeping, having not left or moved from the spot we placed him in.

I noticed on the coffee table near by, next to Trevor, was a box of Advil and an unopened bottle of water. Devin must've placed it there, knowing when my brother woke up he'll have a hell of a hangover. It made me smile, he said I was too kind for my own good. But I think he hasn't realize how truly thoughtful he can is.

Going to the fridge, I went into making breakfast. With some simple ingredients, I made some handmade potato fritters with vegetables and fried them to a crisp golden brown. Then I went to make some scramble eggs and fry up the bacon. The rest of the vegetables that I didn't use in the fritters, I dumped into a pot to boil some soup.

I set two plates for me and Devin. Then debated whether I should prepare a plate for Trevor too.

"Smells good..." Devin walked out the bedroom. Must've finished his phone call.

"You're a lucky man that I can cook something simple," I grinned. I'm not much of a bragger but I pride myself that I can at least make some decent dishes.

"I fully know how lucky I am," Devin hugged me from behind, and kissed my neck.

It tickles when he does that.

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