Part 4 - 6

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"Creed, move over," Specter said as he squeezed onto the couch beside Creed, Demon, and Pulsar. Kuli had already taken the chair so he could take care of Apex and was happy that the fussy kitten was finally asleep.

Creed groaned and moved over some, then flopped over onto Specter once the older clone sat down. He curled up and laid his head on Specter's shoulder lazily.

"Hey, vod'ika," Specter said and rubbed through his hair.

Creed didn't say anything, just relaxed. He liked it here. It had only been a few months since Kix and Pulsar, Anomaly, Demon, and him had escaped, but Creed hoped this lasted for a while if not forever. 

Even if he knew he didn't have forever left. 

Kore had done such a number on him, Creed didn't know if he was sick as a result of that or if this disease they'd found had been dormant inside him for much longer. All he knew was that after Stormy and Skall rescued him from Kore he'd been left with this cough which in the past few months had only worsened into agony. 

Some days it hurt to breathe, but today was a good day. His lungs didn't feel like they were on fire and he could enjoy the comfort of a warm couch, brother's who cared for him, and a little safety. 

He only wished he knew where Skylar and Zyler were so he could share this with them too. He wondered how old Zyler would be now? Maybe Apex's age? He thought the two might enjoy playing together. Skylar would probably enjoy talking to Reveth and Creed imagined Reveth would be happy to have another woman on the ship.

"Something on your mind?" Specter asked, catching Creed's attention.

He looked up some, realizing he'd been staring at the floor as his mind drifted. "Just thinking about Skylar and Zyler," he said softly, burying himself into Specter's side. He'd missed his brother's so much. Finding out that Specter, Kuli, and Cloudy had made it out alive had nearly overwhelmed him. He still feared that he might wake up someday and find out it was all a dream, but he hoped that day never came.

"Who are they, vod?" Specter asked, cocking his head and shifting to hold Creed close. 

It was easy to forget that Specter hadn't been around for the past five years of Creed's life. He wouldn't know that Creed was married, or had a son. No one here knew that.

"Skylar is my wife," Creed said softly, finding that it almost hurt to remember his family. He missed them so much. "Zyler is my son," he added.

Specter's eyes widened a little bit but he didn't loosen his grip. "Never told me my vod'ika went off and got married," Specter teased.

Creed shrugged and pressed close. "Didn't know you were alive," he admitted, the mood dropping a little. 

Kissing his head, Specter held him tight. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," Creed said.

"So, where are they? Your family, I mean. And why haven't you gone back to them yet?" Specter asked, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around Creed. Kuli shifted into the spot where Demon had been a minute ago and Creed would feel the large Zabrack vibrating as he purred. It was an oddly soothing sensation, something Creed had missed.

"I don't know where they are," Creed admitted. "I checked on Lothal already, the men that rescued me before the Empire captured me helped me look. It looked like they'd moved after the Empire came in and took Lothal. I checked everywhere I know, but I can't find either of them," he said. "I'm sure Skylar took Zyler somewhere safe...I just wish I knew where. They probably think I'm dead," he sighed.

Specter's fingers threaded through Creed's hair as he listened. "You'll find them, somewhere. I know you will," he said. "Do you have other family?"

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