You're the one that I want

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A/N: so this is part two of "Summer Nights" hope you enjoy!!

"So Jungkook did you get his name?" Jin asked as him and Jungkook we're heading to Jin's house after school.

They didn't talk more about Jungkook's summer boy during lunch since they ran out of time.

"Yeah I did and his name is Taehyung" Jungkook said with a smile.

"Taehyung???? I know a Taehyung! Could it be him? Wait no! Tae is a total fuckboy, he never has any romances." Jin said.

"It's not him then, the Taehyung I meet was so sweet and romantic! Like any dream guy you could wish for!" Jungkook said.

"Yeah that's definitely not him" Jin said as they already arrived at his house.

They went in the house, greeted Jin's parents and walked to Jin's room.

"Jin I didn't know you had so many friends how come you haven't introduced me to them" Jungkook said and pouted.

"Yah! I said I knew him not that I'm friends with him! Jimin is the one who usually hangs out with the greasers since he has this affair with one of them." Jin explained.

"Oh" was all Jungkook said.

"And my friends you just meet, they are called the "purple fellas" weird name I know but that's their little group name they always hangout with greasers do what they want" Jin said.

"So that's why they were purple jackets! Wait why don't you have one?" Jungkook asked.

"I just meet them a week before school  started and really hit it off with them, so I don't expect to be a "purple fella" anytime soon" Jin said with a chuckle.

The day ended with Jin helping Jungkook with some homework, eating dinner, then Jungkook going home.

Weeks had passed and the school is getting ready for this years first pep rally. The rally was on a Friday night, everyone had a good time. Jungkook was with his new friends having a great time.

"Hey we should go meet up with the T-Boys" Jimin said.

"T-Boys?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes they are a greaser gang and Jimin has a special kind of relationship with one of them" Mark said wiggling his eyebrows, he sure likes to do that a lot Jungkook noticed.

"Shut up! Me and Yoongi are just pleasure buddies! Anyways are we going or not!!" Jimin said and rolled his eyes.

They all said yes and followed Jimin to go meet with the T-Boys. Jungkook stayed behind all the boys since he was quite nervous.

They all went to the back parking lot of the school. The "purple fellas" including Jin and Jungkook walked up to a group of boys laughing. Jungkook was too nervous he couldn't lift his head up to see who the guys were.

"Hey Kim! I have a surprise for ya!" Jimin said and pushed Jungkook in front of them. He wanted Jungkook to be one of Taehyung's many victims.

Taehyung just let out a fake chuckle, he really didn't have any "victims" since his time at he beach with Jungkook. He only wanted Jungkook.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked up at each other at the same time.

"Taehyung!?" Jungkook said with a slight gasp. He couldn't believe that Taehyung was right there in front of him!

"Jungkook?! I didn't know you came here!!" Taehyung said with a big smile on his face. He was so happy to see the love of his life in front of him once again.

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