Chapter. 14

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(3rd Pov)

The small cloaked skeleton fell numb and quietly stood there, full of gloom and despair. And the ink-splotched skeleton sat on the edges of his son's bed, caressing the soldier on the upper-right of his skull near to the big and wide scar. Ink, stiffened at the sight of it but, kept it lock inside as usual.
“Rurik, don't you... Remember him?” The adult's voice had a tone of concern of his deep and darkening voice.

The soldier had a blank and emotionless expression, shaking his head in response. “No, I don't, Father-”

He violently coughed once again. One of his hands pressed against the coughing mouth. Pulling the hand away from the mouth. A bit of blood was seen, making the injured skeleton groan in displeasure. “Fuckin' hell...” he sweared softly with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Ink's eyesockets widen in fear and worry mixed together as he continued to stare at the blood on his child's hands wathing it being wiped away by rubbing it on the blanket Rurik was encased with. When he turned his skull around expecting the smaller to be seen but, no. Instead he saw the door close.

“Father who really was that?”Rurik asked with a confused look in his wounded and scar-ed face.

“He's Lotus. The child of Reaper or Death and Geno” The father replied to the question, bluntly. Slightly grinning. “Well, I think he's cute as hell and has a very nice ass” Rurik stated with a smirk whilst the ink-splotched skeleton snickered loudly at his son's statement of Lotus.

“Oh, for someone who lost memories about him. You sure do know how to identify appearances and... Asses..”

“Oh, shut up. Old man, But. Am I his boyfriend?” The injured soldier asked out of curiosity.

Ink stiffened at the question, both of his eyesockets went black in fear.
“No, Never. Ever. Consider. That. You're. His. Boyfriend, Understood?”His voice was demanding and Rurik nodded slowly.

“Yes, Father.”

He sighed in relief, his attention at Rurik. “Now, who did this to you?”

(Lotus' Pov)

Tears poured out of my eye socket as I stomped my feet each time I step on the floor in anger after I left the room. “stupid, stupid, stupid.” I murmured to myself, dumbfounded at my surroundings. Then, I accidentally bumped onto something and looked up to see what I got bumped onto.

When I realised it's only the surgeon from an hour or two ago. Sighing in relief.
“Oh, I'm terribly sorry for bumping onto you. But, because of the tears I have noticed on your face. Is there a problem?” He asked with a tone of concern of his sweet and caring voice.

I lightly blushed and immediately started to wipe away the tears with one of my hands, looking at the opposite direction as I did so.
“Well,” I turned my gaze back to face the surgeon again as his expression was still the same: smiling at me.

“You were right. He does have memory loss... He.. Doesn't remember me anymore” I responded in a dreary and sorrowful tone. And tears started to trickle down once again.

The surgeon's smile faded away as soon as he heard that from me.
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Is he... Your boyfriend perhaps? Because I am frankly sure you aren't one of Ink's children”

“Oh, well. No, I'm not his boyfriend. Though, I wished I was. But, he's just a friend. And that asshole is my boyfriend,” I responded and I shot a glare at Cray which was right behind the surgeon, pointing at him.

Cray chuckled softly and gave me one of his adorable smirks as he held either arms with a bandage wrapped around it. “Didn't thought you'd still consider me as your boyfriend, hun” He gave me a winked and I crossed my arms, huffing in annoyance.

“Tch, whatever you asshole. I have my reasons why I still want to be with a piece of shit like you,” I glared at him as he kept on chuckling. We eventually made the surgeon uncomfortable with our argument.

The surgeon cleared his throat, nervously and he started to walk to Rurik's room.
“I'll leave you two be. I will now go and see Rurik-”

“Wait- I thought you were a surgeon? And I don't think surgeons would check in patients” Cray disrupted the person. “Would you believe me if I'm a surgeon and a doctor? Besides, I prefer to be a multi-tasking person” The person responded, continuing his way to Rurik's room.

I smirked at Cray as I leaned against the wall near me.
“Didn't thought you have a brain cell, inside that stupid brain of yours” I started to tease him, enjoying his protests. No wonder Rurik and this asshole keeps teasing me... Oh, Rurik... I hope you'll remember me someday...

“Yeah, whatever bitch. And what about we go home and... I don't know... Have fun~?” He cooed softly in a very sexual way. Making me shiver at the thought of him being on top of me again.

“Yeah, no. I still hate you and for that you can't fuck me for a year”

* * * *

Yeah, uh-
I decided to make another chapter. Because... Why not?
And I know that it's short. But, so are people— Haha, Jk.
So, hope you enjoyed it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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