Chasin Honey

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Context: based on this one line from the song Chasin Honey by Wild Party

But when I called you Monday I needed you Sunday.

"Do you ever check your phone?" Stiles pushed past the girl and into her home, all too aware of her surprised expression at his red and tired eyes. "I left you like twenty voicemails yesterday." He sniffled, planting himself on her sofa.
"I'm sorry. . . If I would have known, I would've picked up."
"Yeah but that's the thing, you never really know until you pick up." His voice raised a little and she looked at him warily. "Sorry. I'm sorry, it's just when I called you today, I really needed you yesterday." He sighed, wiped under his eyes while the girl lowered herself next to him.

"Were you crying?" She asked lowly. He turned to her sharply, as if offended by the question.
"What? Lyds, Dammit, no!" He exclaimed. "I-I–" he stuttered, failing to let the words out. But then she moved a little closer, actually pulled the boy into her hold, and curled her arms around him. She felt a breath leave his lungs as he relaxed. "I feel horrible."
It was a whisper, shaky and hard to let out. Hard to admit.
"Why?" She asked and he almost hummed at  the feeling of her lips against his temple, the way she started combing her fingers through his hair. Shit, he loved when she did that.
"I really don't know. My brain is all cloudy and fuzzy, like when you grab the remote and type in a tv channel that doesn't exist."

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