chapter eight

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An Chu Xia POV:

I stared coldly at the ceiling under the many lights of the small lamps.My heart and mind were so anxious that I could barely close my eyes.The peaceful silence was nowhere to be found.Even in my captivity,my heart could not stop but want to escape and find freedom in Taiyu's arms.I should stop such irresistible thoughts,after all,I am doing this for my people.It is my duty to keep my people safe and it is not as if something was going to happen between Taiyu and me.Our love is as impossible as it is for Taiyu to forsake his anger and go back to how he was before.He has always been so stubborn.

Wouldn't it be better if memories were repressed?That way I,we would not suffer like this...

I unconsciously let a smile carve my lips as those sweet memories took over.The light breeze in the palace garden reminded the night when Taiyu sealed my lips with a passionate kiss.His soft lips against mine and his body carressing mine so wildly that I lost control and let him do so much to me.How could I let my desires go unleashed?Was there any love between us or was it only a wall of lust?Is what Taiyu and I feel for each other same as what Xiao Qi feels for me?
In the midst of all this,whatever it is,I have recently realised that love is so simple,it's us that makes it so complex. Taiyu and I have been separated by a wall created by others,indeed,but it is also our faults for not trying to break that wall and let it become stronger and stronger,finally,becoming indestructible.

No...The feeling of understanding his every thoughts without him saying anything,the feeling of wanting to stay close to him,as if a small distance apart could make you suffer,the feeling of loving all of him.Already,I belong to him heart, mind,body and soul. This complex feeling is not simply lust,it is something deeper than the hate burried in our hearts.

A soft petal felt on my robe as a servant rushed in with Xiao Qi's right man,the same brute as before,Shao Lin. He smirked at me before motioning me to follow him.

"What is it general?"I asked

"His majesty asked me to have you choose the wedding dress and also to fulfill any request you may have concerning the wedding."He said,enjoying my plight.

"Go and tell your master that I do not care about the wedding dress nor the wedding.I do not also want to insult the sacred tradition by calling this deal as a wedding.Now,I want to be alone."I said in a menacing tone and the man glared at before cursing and going his way.

The wedding was tomorrow and the preparation indicated that it would be a grand cerremony.Knowing him,I am sure that he wanted this marriage to be grand because he wanted to show to people how he had managed to obtain me.To Xiao Qi,I am merely an object that he could never attain.He is as if a child who could not get a toy and threw a tantrum because of that.

The only one who will be able to possess me is Taiyu and no one else...

The only one who will be able to possess me is Taiyu and no one else

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