chapter twelve

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Third person's Pov:[]:

The banquet was the liveliest one that the Yi Jian palace had ever had with thousands of guests blessing the couple,some snickered at the thought of giving their blessings to two men but they hid their disagreement in fear of being killed. An Chu Xia was grateful for the veil that covered his flustered expressions as their friends teased them or rather him because Taiyu seemed indifferent to the tease and taunts,maybe simply because nothing could spoil his good mood and happiness. He was so contented and satisfied inside that he had finally made An Chu Xia his in front of the world that no one could change his excited smirk.

"I'm so jealous,you guys are already married yet I'm still single. I always knew you'd end up together but not so quickly,"Exclaimed a grinning Taeyung.

"I wasn't thinking of going so fast either,"Said Taiyu and we all looked at him,surprised as he continued,"After such period of troubles,no one would be able to say anything against this marriage as we have won against that man,that's why it was better to hurry the wedding."

"Well,I'm happy for you guys.Your majesty,"Taemin looked around,"Taiyu,I know I don't need to say this but please be good to our king and take care of him."

"Since we were kids,Taemin,you,have been the serious one after An Chu Xia while that young man or brat,Taeyung has always been your total opposite."Taiyu laughed while Taeyung stuck out his tongue at him.

A lot of rituals took place with the newly wedded couple receiving gifts of all kinds and size;some were rather exotic,like weird fruits and sweets,other brought clothes and jewelries.

Finally the bride and groom's friends led them to their chamber where they would have their first night of bliss as husband and wife.

The games started with mischief as Taeyung tied both An Chu Xia's and Taiyu's hands as he grinned and tied an apple to a string and placed the apple in between them.

"Wait,you guys are great at these things so let's spice it up."He quickly blindfolded both of them and said,"Now,it's done,let's see who is able to bite into it first."He said it with such suggestiveness that An Chu Xia couldn't help but blush slightly.

The apple was swung  and only An Chu Xia sprung forward and bit into the apple in the first attempt itself.

"Damn!You guys are so good in martial arts,but couldn't you atleast pretend to be playing around?Whatever,his highness,An Chu Xia wins. Shall we continue?"Taemin could see how Taiyu's eyes had turned into a murderous glare so he quickly intervened,"I think it's getting late and we should give the couple some privacy."

Taemin quickly grabbed Taeyung and bowed down to Taiyu and An Chu Xia.Both of them got up to say goodbye to the guests till the door.

As soon as  they were gone,the door was closed and locked , a hand wrapped around An Chu Xia's waist and pushed him against the door as two strong arms caged him in between. His veil was still covering his face and Taiyu was dying to tear it away.

He could feel Taiyu's breath as the latter inhaled his scent deeply making him blush a shade darker.

"I'm troubled my dear wife." Taiyu said,trying to lighten the mood as he saw An Chu Xia's body tense.

"H-How so?" was all that An Chu Xia could mutter.

"Well,I so want to see what's hidden behind this piece of cloth but at the same time I fear that I might go insane after seeing it."

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