chapter ten

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An Chu Xia 's POV:

"Yay!I'm the winner!""Whoo!"The shouts of the soldiers filled the hall of the palace which walls resonated from cries of excitement and happiness after a while.The lights made it appear as if it was still day and it was even noisier than the market place.The clinking of glass as everyone was busy getting drunk. The amount of food was enough for ten thousands of soldiers to eat until they can no more and still a lot of food would be left.

Taiyu and I sat besides each other and I fighted my blush as his hand grabbed mine in a possessive way.I struggled to hold my sticks with my left hand awkwardly.Why did he have to hold my right hand?Grr...

"Damn you two look as if a married couple."Taeyung cheered as he raised his glass and shouted in his half-drunk state,"To this lovely couple,"Turning everyone's attention towards us.To say the truth,I had never felt so embarrassed in my whole life.At that moment,I wished for the Earth to crack open and swallow me.To my utmost surprise,Taiyu raised his glass too and cheered,"To us." He turned to me and offered me his glass as he placed it on my lips and winked at me.

I'm going to get back at you one day Taeyung...

I had no other choice but to drink.Sure I felt embarrassed but my insides melted to the sweet action.

Later on during the feast,Taiyu and I slipped away for some fresh air.Taeyung had been dragged away by Taemin as he was too drunk and even started to strip because 'he felt too hot' as he said in his intoxicated state.I myself was not a heavy drinker and I was even feeling slightly dizzy from the few cups I had.I could not help but feel admiration for Taiyu who looked still unaffected as his usual poker face settled in,  even though a moment ago he was having a drinking contest ,but the moment we were alone in the garden,his expression softened as he stared at me who was getting hot and bothered for nothing.When it got too much for my poor heart and overheated cheeks,I turned my face away to calm my pulsating heart.I closed my eyes and tried to breath deeply.

The breeze was blowing softly and the rustling of the leaves did not help my pounding heart.Suddenly I felt chilly and shivered lightly. Then I felt it to my very core.A warmth so addicting that clutched me from behind as strong hands envelopped me tightly and hot breaths hit my neck making shivers run down my spine.A manly scent with the heavy smell of alcohol that lingered in his breaths. He spoke in an unusual soft tone that made my racing heart pound louder.I could not deny the pleasure that gripped me as his hands carressed me in an intimate way.

After a while of staying like that,he turned me around with his face so near that I could not distinguish between our breaths,our noses touching lightly.

"An Chu Xia,will you marry me?"He said so earnestly and desperately that my heart squeezed.

If death came to me today,I would gladly accept it. So many things happened.It was getting harder to believe that so many good things could happen so quickly.Were the Gods pranking me?

"I know that you may find this rushed,"He said,"after being separated for so long,I have realised that I can't live without you and that if I don't hurry,you might slip through my hands again.I want you to be fully mine.I love you so much."He kneeled down before me in  an imploring manner.

My throat felt so dry and my lips quivered as I mouthed an inaudible 'yes'.For a moment,I thought he did not hear me as he said nothing and I did not dare look at his face but he had noticed my every movement and before I knew it,his lips had captured mine in a searing,burning kiss.Sparks were flying between us as his whole being dominated mine just like at that time in the forest.He deepened the kiss,turning my face to the side . It was as if he was trying to devour my mouth as his teeth scraped against my lips and his tongue brought mine to submission. My legs began to feel numb and I thought I might fall down if he loosened his grip on me. I was reluctant to break the kiss even when I lacked air, in fear that he might leave me alone again.

Finally,he broke the kiss and when I thought I would collapse to the ground,he lifted me in his arms in one swift move and headed towards my room.My mind was a puzzled mess as he placed me on the bed and instantly hovered over me.I guessed the alcohol I had earlier was what was fueling the heat I was experiencing.

"T-Taiy-"His lips engulfed my words as he pinned me down with his body.

I could not hold back the moans like last time and Taiyu seemed to like them as his hands moved to the spots that made me shiver and moan louder.He broke the kiss and he nibbled at my jaw ,trailing down my neck where his licked a certain spot that made me jerk my back as a wave of pleasure ran through my body.Taiyu abused that spot again and again,making that spot so sensitive that when he harshly bit on it,I cried loudly and threw my head back.

He pulled back and kissed my cheek,gently carressing my long strand of hair. His eyes were so beautiful under the silvering moonlight.They were...He captivating.

"You are so beautiful."He praised with the greatest admiration."As if the finest piece of art,so innocent that any man would crave to defile it.A pure flower that would make anyone sin.A beauty that surpasses any and every."

He tenderly kissed my forehead and his face turned into an apologetic one.

Was he regretting what he did?

"I'm sorry I could not restrain myself.I do not want you to think that I'm like that guy and I only lust for your body.I want you to know that you are truly special to me."

"I know you are not like him.He does not stand anywhere near you.Also I may not be good at this,I have never ,"I blushed at what I was going to say,"Done this kind of thing and I apologise if I may not be able to...give you ..."

He bent his head down and his lips grazed over my ear,"I'm a man so don't tempt me.Saying things like no one's ever touched you ,you do not know what you do to me. I will not hold back on our wedding night so you better be prepared."He whispered as he pulled back and placed a kiss on my lips.

He came to my side and pulling me against him as we both fell asleep.

I think for once,we truly slept for real,bathing in each other's warmth.It was as if we had found our missing part.

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