chapter 12 (Visitors)

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Y/n Pov

In the morning we were woken up to the same shouting, though this time it was different from a few things Drayton was shouting "Alright get up you love Birds, no sleeping all day" more banging on the Door "Get up! Breakfasts ready!", the two of us groaned in annoyance, Not really wanting to get up, But since we could hear Drayton's shouting from afar we knew we had to, I sighed as I rolled out of bed and Chop followed behind me, Soon enough we both got ourselves awake and Quickly made our way to the table, Once we got there we saw Drayton's state, The awful stare of curiousity and like he knew something, it was Really creepy.

"Good.. good morning?" I spoke as I sat down on my seat and Looked back at him, trying to act like his stare didn't bother me, "Good morning, how did you Sleep?" He spoke as he glared at me but soon glared at ChopTop for an unknown reason, "I slept good, why do you ask?" I responded with a raised eyebrow, he flashed a glare at me again, like he was taking note, something was up, he was up to something, "So you could say.. That.. You're in a good mood?" He spoke and now that I thought about it, I was in a good mood so I just nodded, "So I guess his room gives you a good sleep, how's so?" He asked, there wasn't any curious in his voice, it was more... Like he already knew something but he wanted to know my side of it, it made me nervous about what to say "I.. don't know? It just does I guess.", "you guess?" He Lifted an eyebrow, I nodded once again, he glared at me and then at chop top "and what about you? Do you know why she'd be getting better sleep in your room?", He looked at Drayton "Take a wild guess" is all he answered, this was getting really awkward for me, not to my liking at all and then I Realized something "Hey Chop Top?", He looked at me with "Hm?", "What's your real name? It can't just be Chop top" i stopped for a second "cause Bubba is bubba, Yet you also call him Leatherface, it's a nickname isn't it?", Drayton chuckled, most likely wanting to see how Chop top would answer this, yet He didn't seem to take this badly "Oh! Yeah it's a Nickname, Got it for My-" he smiled and tapped his plate "Chopped top" he then laughed a little and once he had calmed down enough to talk to did "But to answer your question, It's Paul", "Paul? So we have grandpa, Drayton, Paul, Nubbins and Bubba, That's Nice" What an interesting family, Always finding out more about them, "Yeah, Though you forgot to add yourself to that list of yours, also grandma, She's still alive and well", "Oh right- sorry" I apologized, how have I not met this Grandma yet? Maybe I will eventually.

After breakfast we were doing our own things until we heard Odd footsteps, We were all around so whose footsteps were these? We started hearing more of these footsteps and soon talking, "Eww this place is gross and creepy" we heard a females voice, "guys, This place has lights I really don't think this is abandoned" we heard a scared woman's voice, "Oh come on, did you not see he outside? It's definitely abandoned" we heard a Males voice, "Yeah, I think it's gonna be fine- OH GOD IS THAT A SPIDER?!" We heard a Males voice with a higher voice than the others, The others laughed at The guy and soon they came into view, Once they saw us and we saw them it was a Staring competition before Drayton commanded For bubba and Chop top or Paul to go after them, which they did, Bubba being more scared of the new visitors and Paul being happy to finally get to chase someone, the people screamed and ran for their lives, All going different directions, "Y/n You go after the girl, I'll take the other one, these boys can't catch These four for sure" Drayton commanded, I didn't want to do this but at this point I couldn't really say no, They'd get arrested if One of them got out and I didn't want that, so I ran after one of the girls, I wasn't planning on hurting her, just to catch her, i chased after her while she screamed and ran for her life, God the screaming Was awful, did she ever shut up?

Drayton Pov

I was pleased to see that Y/n Did as I told her to, now I had to run after this new unwanted guest, She was really slow and she was easy to catch Because she ran out of breath easily, it wasn't much of a chase so once I got to her I could just hit her with the hammer and she was out cold.

Bubba pov

I ran after the new visitor, He was Screaming at me to "fight him like a man" but I was doing that already, right? Drayton always told me to act like a man and they gave me the chainsaw to do just that, so I think he's the one who isn't fighting like a man, soon He ran to a dead end and he put his back to the wall and looked at me, I growled at the man, "Hey okay I'm sorry Let's just forget this ever happened, yeah?" He spoke but I didn't listen, instead I just took the hammer and Hit him on the head, Drayton can figure out what To do with him, I don't want to get screamed at for Killing him too quickly.

Chop top pov

I ran after the guy, he was avoidin' any spider web which made this much easier, he also wasn't too good at running or climbin' I got to jump at 'im and tackle 'im down and I started bashin' 'im over the head with the hammer until he bled, maybe he was dead, maybe not but I don't care.

Y/n Pov

The running had went on for a while until she fell, she started crying and holding onto her foot "please don't hurt me! I didn't do anything wrong!", "Sorry, Bosses orders" I grabbed her by the other foot and started to drag her back, She tried to kick me with her hurting foot only to hurt herself more than what she did me.

Soon all of us had arrived at the Table, Mine was the only one who was awake, Paul's was bleeding by the head badly, Bubba and Drayton's weren't bleeding badly but still were, they took her off the ground and Tied her down to a chair just like they did the others, "Amy? John? David?" She shouted as she noticed them, "oh god John! John wake up!" She shouted more when she noticed Paul's catch, the girl, Amy woke up with a groan "Ally?", "oh my god Amy you're alive!" Ally shouted, soon David woke up angrily "what.. what happened?", Soon they were all freaking out over John, until John did wake up, he was weak and tired "Everything hurts..", "ah Everyone's awake now! Drayton! They're awake!" Paul shouted, I stayed my distance from them, I felt so Bad for what they're going through at the moment, "Yeah yeah" Drayton walked over to them and then crossed his arms "now what Are you all doing in my home?", The four looked at each other with scared expressions, thinking about who will answer and what to say.

((Hello Hello, hope you liked this chapter and don't mind the cliffhanger, I'll update soon.. probably, anyway bonus meme:

I wonder how many of you are here just for the bonus memes, have a good day/evening/night

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I wonder how many of you are here just for the bonus memes, have a good day/evening/night.))

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