Chapter 3

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I saw Jeon Jungkook, he was practicing one of his songs.
He slipped and fell down on his knees.
"SHIT I CAN'T DO IT RIGHT!" he shouted.
I pushed the door accidentally and fell down. Jungkook saw me from the mirror and turned,
"Kyung Mi! What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I just finished working, sir!" I bowed, with sweat literally flooding.
"Just call me Jungkook, you are a very dilligent woman." he laughed.
"Uh, thank you!" I bowed again.
He smiled and asked,"Can you grab me a bottle of water at the pantry if you don't mind?"
I nodded and went to the pantry. When I went back, he was sitting on his chair, playing with his phone.

"Here," I said while giving the bottle to him.

He took it and said thank you. He opened the bottle and directly finished it. He put the empty bottle down and stood up. He asked me to turn on the music, so I did. I was in the corner watching him dance. Although he was just practicing, I could feel his emotion and aura. Something that nobody else had. I waited for the rain to stop while helping Jungkook. After 30 minutes he went back to his chair and played his phone. I was still blank and didn't know what to do, so I asked some questions to him. "Jungkook, why are you in ibighit, weren't you in DSL entertainment?" I asked. Jungkook put his phone down and looked at me. "There were some critical issues I had with DSL." he stopped."Do you promise not to tell anyone?" he asked. I nodded."The reason why I left was that I found out that they were stealing money from my incomes," he said. "I'm sorry to hear that, at least you are here now, right?" I said. He smiled and nodded. It was 8pm and he packed his stuff. "Do you want to go home together?" he asked. I said yes and helped him with his stuff. He wore another hoodie with a mask, so nobody would know who he is. It was cold outside ,so I wore my coat on top of my long sleeve and pencil skirt. We walked side by side to the station. I had a warm feeling when I was around him. We got on the train, so Jungkook's apartment was actually near mine, it was 20 minutes by train. I got of first since my house is closer to the company building. I went off the train and looked back at Jungkook, to check if there were any fans crowding around him. He looked at me and smiled, he mouthed bye and the train door closed. I went up the station stairs to find myself in an empty sidewalk. It was 9pm, I guess it was right. I continued my walk to my apartment, the night breeze softly playing with my hair. I arrived at the front gate and went upstairs to my unit. I opened the doors and took off my shoes. It was dark inside, so I turned on the lights. I took a hot shower, to warm myself up after the cold walk home. As usual, I turned on my TV and watched some dramas. I was watching a really good one that made me cry. I continued watching until I fell asleep.

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