Chapter 7

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After a half an hour or so, we were told to come to the middle again. We submitted our balls and sat down to wait for the results. While me and Jungkook were talking, Yoona came to us. She lowered her head and said,"Hi Mr Jungkook, would you like some water?"Yoona smiled, waiting to receive a warm and cheerful answer. Jungkook answered a straight no, although he smiled a little, it was still cold. Yoona's smile faded and nodded, she went back to her work friends and they were whispering about something. I didn't hate her, but she's just a pain in the ass. I hate people gossiping.

"Alright, sorry for the wait everyone! We already counted the scores. The winner of the game is..."the CEO said. I was hoping that it's going to be team C, my team."TEAM C!" the CEO exclaimed. I was so happy, me and Jungkook were jumping up and down. My team went in front and received the gift. We were really happy and proud. The CEO immediately announced the last game. The game were with pairs from the group, we have to pick a person from our group to pair with! It was a three-legged foot race. It involves two people completing a race with the left leg of one  strapped to the right leg of another runner. The objective is for the pair to run together without falling over, and beat the other contestants to the finish line. After Mr Bang Si-hyuk finished his explanation, we were told to find our partners.


I wanted to go to Kyung Mi, but there was a hand holding my arm. I turned to see Yoona, my assistant. "Mr Jungkook, do you want to be my partner? it could be easier since I'm your assistant!" she smiled cheerfully and pulled back her hair. I didn't want to seem rude or anything, but I said,"No, sorry Yoona. I have a partner already."I looked over to Kyung Mi who was trying to find a partner. I left her and went to Kyung Mi. "Hey Kyung Mi! Do you want to be my partner?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. I was so happy, she is so fun and nice.


I was so shocked that Jungkook didn't want to be my partner. I'm his assistant! He should be closer to me than Kyung Mi. I came back to my friends. "OMG, Jungkook refused to be with you?" my friend asked. I nodded and was so mad. I saw him coming to Kyung Mi, and they both cheered. He probably asked her. I will make her pay, one day.


I was so happy that Jungkook asked me to be his partner. We stayed together and went to the sides, to make the field empty. We sat on the seats, waiting for our turn to race. Everybody kept on stumbling and falling down, it was really fun to watch. Jungkook and I were laughing, joking around while waiting. We were in the 17th race group and it's after this one. After the 16th race group was finished, we both went to the middle and got ready. There were 3 other pairs that are racing against us. Jungkook tied the rope and noticed that my shoelaces weren't tied. He tied it up too. I was trying to stop him, so I can do it myself, but he was done. "Thank you" I said, he smiled. We were all ready. We put our game faces on, we were both pretty competitive.


and the race began...

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